While we are under snow here in Portland, let me introduce to you TeMeL and their amazing comic on the 24/7 BDSM lifestyle they practice.
This stuff is SUPER intense and we’re really privileged to have a great comic showcase and talk about it. But I want to reiterate TeMeL’s advice: this isn’t something to dive into if it interests you. Spend the time needed and gather experiences to know yourself and your partner before trying anything like this! It’s not beginner-friendly. There’s layers and layers of trust, consent, prior-consent, and getting-to-know each other that needs to be established; TeMel and their husband didn’t just dive into this lifestyle, so you shouldn’t either!
In addition, TeMeL had a few links to drop for those of you interested in learning more:
– LT Morrison: Devil In The Details, The Art of Mastery, Volume I-III
Three Volumes displaying healthy and consensual BDSM-relationsships
– Dan & Dawn Williams: Living M/s, A Book for Masters, Slaves and Their Relationships
Two People talking about what it means to live a long-time 24/7 relationship
– Sadomasochism: Powerful Pleasures
Interdisciplinary Collection of “Sexual subculture”-essays, containing a few ones that examine 24/7
– Jacob, Anneke: As she’s told
Erotica, but if you wanna read about a kind of realistic 24/7 relationship, you should give it a try!
And if TeMeL’s links inspire, check our out pals at TwistedMonk for some neat ropes! Or Stockroom for more extreme bits n’ bobs!