Gotta hand it to Hien, this comic is a fistful of feeling and emotion! It’s technically NSFW, but only sort-of-kind-of? I mean, you never actually see any naughty bits! …And yet. This one is about so much more, it’s a real… handful. (you think that’s bad just you wait…)
Hand to my heart, this isn’t something I’ve ever tried or poked around myself, so it’s a real delight to have Hien open up and share his adventure. He’s really widened my perspective. I feel full… of knowledge ;D
A note from Hien:A very special THANK YOU to my good friend Jaxx without whom this comic wouldn’t be possible! All of us here in Perth are so proud of you for putting yourself out there and winning the Australian Puppy 2022 competition! Can’t wait to see what you do with the title, buddy. Big hugs!
Heck yes =D let’s put our hands together for both Hien and Jaxx, thank you, guys!
Find more Hien Pham with these links!
As much as I joke though; a little reminder that fisting, in general, is, like, level 100 and should be done with a wholllle lot of care and practiced with experts and plenty of research. You gotta go SO slow and be oh-so delicate! So if today’s comic inspires you to try it (and who’d blame you!) please do make sure to do plenty more research and study up beforehand. Today’s comic isn’t a how-to!
ALSO, some of you regular readers might recognize the look and vibe of today’s comic from a few weeks back! When Hien gave us a wonderful comic about taking up space and learning to be loud. Just so happens today’s comic happened MINUTES before that one – so one might say… they go… hand-in-hand ;D