Put your hands together for Ripley’s Fisting Comic! Open up to new ideas, widen your knowledge, and prepare to get your hands dirty as Ripley LaCross takes us through a deep dive guide on diving in to the deep.
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A Handy Guide to Fisting by Ripley LaCross is drawn in a very simple, cartoon-y style, emulating the Muppets. The color scheme is pastel pinks and blues, maroon, black, and white. Murray is a pink human-ish puppet wearing a collared maroon shirt. They have book ping-pong-like eyeballs, no nose, and three tubular "hairs" on top of their head. Kurt is a white puppet with a big pink nose, a mop of short pink hair, and wears a pink long-sleeve shirt, black pants, and maroon shoes.
Kurt and Murray sit on a brick wall, holding hands.
Murray: Kurt, my love, I must confess something.
Kurt: Yes, my darling Murray, anything!
The camera zooms in close to Murray whispering into Kurt's ear, "I want... to try *fisting*"
"GASP!!" Gasps Murray. "Fisting! So bold! So daring! But won't it hurt?"
"It's not supposed to!" Murray explains, procuring a brochure titled FISTING from nowhere. "Look here, I found this *hand* guide to help us!"
"Okay Murray!" Kurt says, while looking over the brochure. "If this is that important to you, we'll give it a go!"
Murray flails his arms in joy, exclaiming "YaAaAAaY!"
Page 2
A page from the brochure reads "F is for FONDLE! Your opening is like an elastic band, capable of stretching to great sizes! But a cold or dry band SNAPS! Star slow and take your time! Relax! Enjoy the ride!" A series of simply illustrations shows the progression of a hand holding up one finger, two fingers, three fingers, and then all the fingers upright and kind of squished/overlapping, with the thumb tucking up along the center of the palm.
Kurt is held aloft over the brick wall where they were just sitting, reveling that they are a puppet on a human hand- the human's arm extending off the page so we can't see the puppet-master. Murray reclines on their back on the wall, their puppet opening on display with another human hand inserting two fingers into it.
Kurt: So, we gotta warm that baby up!"
Murray: Don't forget the lube!
The next page of the brochure reads, "I is for INTERCOMMUNICATION! Fisting is a lot to *handle*! Not all ["bodies" is struck out] puppets are capable of accommodoating such girth. Constant communication with your partner is KEY!"
"How are you, darling?" Kurt asks while Murray now has three fingers going into their puppet entrance.
"I'm doing great! But let's go a little slower." Answers Murray in delight.
An except from the brochure reads, "Check in frequently and inform when another finger is added!"
"This little piggie had fun... and this little piggie went..." Kurt cheers on Murray as the human slides in four fingers. "WEE WEE WEEEE~! All the way in!"
"That's a lot of piggies! I think I'm ready for the whole ham!" Murray enthuses.
Page 3
"S is for SLIPPER!" Reads the next brochure page, along with illustrations of lube bottles. "Take however much lube you use normally and double it. Triple it!"
"One... two... THREE!" Kurt counts as they press the dispenser top on a bottle of lube, filling a human's hand with the slippery liquid.
Murray claps their puppet hands, saying "Great job, Kurt!" and revealing the lube dribbling out of their empty puppet hole while the human hand gets re-lubbed by Kurt.
"It says here you don't actually make a fist, it's more of a duck." Reads Kurt from the brochure to Murray.
"If it's wearing a condom, does that make it a rubber ducky?" Asks Murray mischievously as the human hand gets three fingers in to them.
"T is for TIME!" Reads the brochure. "Be patient. Don't rush. Don't force. Just go with the flow!" A diagram of multiple clock faces shows time passing. "Once they're warmed up, lubed, and ready..."
SHLORP sounds the human's hand as it completely slides inside of Murray's puppet entrance.
Blushing and with eyes agog, Murray exclaims, "Oh my fucking god."
Page 4
Murray floats through the cosmos, which are lushly painted- causing a strong contrast against their simple cartoony lines. The energy outline of a human shimmers, showing where their arm would be connecting inside of the puppet.
"I've never been so... FULL!" Marvels Murray as they fly through cosmic beauty. "It feels right. I feel WHOLE!"
Murray's hand rests on top of Kurt's as they say, "The world is a beautiful thing and I feel so, so, so close to you, Kurt."
"Oh darling..." Coos Kurt with stars twinkling in the background.
Murray take Kurt's hand in both of theirs. Dripping with sweat and looking intensely into Kurt's eyes, Murray declares, "This is, truly, the first time I've allowed myself to be so open and trusting with another puppet... Kurt... I-"
"Experiment with rocking, rolling, and rotating your hand to hit their good spots!" Encourages a snippet of the brochure.
"WAHHH!!!!!!" In silhouette we see Murray- with hand firmly jammed all the way up in there so none of it visible from the outside- flailing their puppet limbs in unbridled ecstatic release. They are haloed by hearts and sweat drops.
"Darling!" Now back in reality, Kurt checks on Murray. "Is it too much?"
With sweat drops, blushing, squiggly marks, and bubbles of disorientation floating around them, Murray replies, "H-holy shit, no it's fucking amazing."
Murray pounces on Kurt in a passionate puppet kiss.
Page 5
The brochure lays open with various fluids splashed upon it. It reads,
"When it's time to go, remember F.I.S.T.!
Fondle: Pullet out gently. Massage your partner's outer layers to help. [Illustrations suggest different ways to stroke and massage the labia majora and surrounding area to help it relax.]
Intercommunication: Speak to your partner, listen to their needs.
Slippery: Don't put the lube away yet! Things get even tighter after the climax.
Time: Above all, exit slowly! You're here for a good time, not a quick time.
Congratulations! You've now fisted. Don't forget aftercare. Be gentle and maybe grab an ice pack. Good job!"
Locked in a hug (with the puppeteer's arms visible), Murray declares, "Thank you! That was amazing.", to which Kurt replies, "It was my pleasure, darling! Maybe next time I can try it?"
"Yes! because..." Murray starts and then in unison the two puppets conclude, "Sharing and Caring go HAND-IN-HAND!" The top of the puppeteer's blue hair is partially visible behind the brick wall that the puppets are sitting on.
Now the puppeteer stands up to reveal themselves to be cartoonist Ripley LaCross! Ripley awkwardly holds the puppets for a beat and then with a look of discomfort asks you, the reader, to "...please don't tell my family about this."
Today's comic is hands down the BEST. It was drawn by Ripley LaCross who can be found on; https://ripleylacross.carrd.co/
It was then transcribed on Oh Joy Sex Toy by Erika Moen on 4/22/24
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