Alex Assan is back, talking about the Vestibulectomy he had for his long suffering Vestibulodynia; agony and vaginal pain during penetration. When finally presented with the opportunity to have a surgical remedy to remove the painful parts, he signed right up, and only wish he’d done it sooner. Thank you so much to Alex for sharing your story with us!
Matt and I had a real moment when we realized that it had been 8 years since Alex first showed up on OJST. That sort of decade long feeling, the ability to keep adding to these stories and touch base with artists even after so long… Well, it’s powerful and something we don’t take for granted. For the price of a coffee; you can help keep the space going, help us keep making these comics: and get bonus exclusive comic’s and BTS stuffs as a way of thanks!
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– The Erika Moen Monthly/Yearly Patreon as another way to support Erika and the site.
Finally, if Patreon isn’t your thing… – just email email me and we’ll figure something out!
If you’d like to help us in other ways… Share our newer and updated Sharable Comics on a social someplace! We’ve been reformatting the comics in this list slowly and surely to be separated split pages; way better for posting on social and reading on a phone! Every comic that’s read and every click back is truly a help =) Read more about how our license works over here!