Happy Halloween everybody!
Have you struggled to hook up with a sexy monster in the past? Breaching the spectral plane feeling insurmountable this year? Look no further than Simon Shadow’s (and Xb’rax’s) amazingly helpful guide to fucking a monster. Perfect for humans and monster’s alike. A comic you can really sink your teeth into/wrap your tentacle around/host you can implant.
This was such a delight to work on (and I’m excited to say we have another one with Simon in the works too!), if you found it useful, or heck have a success story after following todays useful guide, make sure to let Simon!
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(OJST founder Erika Moen also has her own monthly Patron if you’d like to support her! She’s currently working on a mental health book/pitch for next year!)
The color palette is purple, pale lime green, white, and black. Simon Shadows draws with a cartoon-y style that is accentuated with lots of fine details.
Xb'rax is a humanoid creature with a white exoskeleton and an alien/insectoid kind of head. They have formations on their faceplate that rise up in a kind of fan/crown formation over their forehead, and two enormous pupil-less purple eyes on either side of their face. They have the basis of skeletal wing supports jutting out on either side, but there is no actual wing membrane attached. They are nightmarishly handsome.
"Hello, humans!" Xb'rax greets us cheerfully against a background of writhing eyes, tentacles, and fang-y mouths. "Do you like sex? I'm Xb/rax with the Abyssal Plane Tourism Board, and I'm here to ask why not try..."
Tile written in oozing pink cursive letters: Sex With Monsters?
"Ah," They continue. "so I've piqued your interest. Let's get into it! You can find creatures all around you!"
Caption: 1. Finding Monsters
Xb'rax's disembodied voice floats over a dark forest with black trees that look at us with their discreet eyeballs and coiling lime green fox in the background, announcing, "Spooky woods!"
A lime green coiling mass of energy snakes explode through a brick alleyway as Xb'rax narrates, "Extraplanar rifts!"
A purple hand with a silver thumb ring holds up their iPhone, which displays a program named "monstr" and shows a grid of creature-y profile pictures. "Dating apps!" Explains Xb'rax's voice.
Our narrator joins a line-up of wildly different monsters and creatures that stretches the width of the page as they continue, "Just remember... not all monsters like huymans or want to be an 'experiment.' Get comfy hearing the word 'no'!" Some creatures are humanoid, others are beastial, and some defy description.
Xb'rax's voice narrates, "You may not be able to tell a monster's age. Don't be afraid to ask for ID! 18+ only!"
A human stands with her hand out expectantly, asking a floating flaming skull, "ID?" Looking at the card, she reads "DOB: 14 billion years ago" and gives the skull a thumbs up. The skull's eye sockets squinch up, implying that they are smiling even though they have no lower jaw.
"Summoning a possible date?" Asks Xb'rax as they lean over a human-looking person who diligently writing away on the many scattered papers surrounding them, illuminated by a single candle. "Think about consent while writing spells. You can always cast another after you negotiate!"
A close-up reveals one line on a parchment that reads, "I'll be ur human fucktoy forever~ uwu"
"When in doubt, consult a pro summoner!" Xb'rax suggests, while gesturing to a hooded figure who waves at us. A hint of magic sparkles by their obscured face and their ceremonial glowing necklace is quite eye-catching. The summoner is labeled "4.8 on Yelp!"
Caption: 2. Communication and Negotiation
We are taken to a scene of stalagmite undersea coral-like formations that are topped with long swaying fronds and covered in spying eyes. In the foreground is a human looking bewitched and delighted, drooling just a little as they grin from ear to ear and their cheeks flush. A giant brain-like creature rests atop their head with their tentacles holding on to the sides of the human's head.
"Not all beings can speak or sign a human language." The voice of Xb'rax tells us. "Consent requires some form of communication..."
"I really like spanking." A voice says, which is emanating from both the brain-creature and human.
Xb'rax continues, "...so you may need to get creative!"
"Talk about the things you like!" Encourages the narrator.
"I'd like to be totally restrained and unable to move." Shares a human who looks us squarely in the eyes and holds a bundle of Shibari rope in her left
hand. They wear a sports bra, have an assortment of tattoos, one of which covers the stump at the end of her right arm, and a small cloud of tightly curly black hair.
"I'd like to be totally restrained and unable to move." She announces.
"I've always wanted to roleplay as a human housewife." a moss-cocovered kind of dragon-worm with a ring of eyes running along the width of its head tells us.
"Go over all the boundaries and nos!" Xb'rax's voice urges next to the head of a kind of crustacean-alien-bug person that has many craggy segmented plates lining its face and an assortment of claw/horns.
"If sunlight touches this mortal form, I'll demanifest," Explains the creature to us. "so let's keep the shades drawn."
A topless human smiles at us as they hold a vibrating double-pronged sex toy and tells us, "Vaginal penetration is ok, but no anal." This person has shoulder-length choppy dark hair, a tattoo of a snake coiling around their right arm, and surgical scars under their flat pectoral muscles on their chest. Their vibrator goes, "bzzzz".
"Whew!" The narrator's voice exclaims. "You're ready to go! Let's get to the juicy stuff."
Caption: 3. Safety During Play
A human clad only in boxers sits on a bed with their knees drawn up to their chest, smiling at the winged devil-humanoid who sits facing them.
"When I moult into my full form, stroke my wings to calm me down." The batwing-ed creature tells the human amiably.
"Use your words or other means of communication!" Urges the narrators voice as the human is now shown laying beneath the transformed incarnation of the previous creature, who is now a larger-than-life scaled dragon beast with a bat-like monster face, complete with multiple eyes and a gaping maw of fangs.
"A little too rough!" Pants the human as they massage the creature's wing membrane between thumb and forefinger. The expression of the person is scrunched up in both pleasure and pain, it is the face of endurance and someone recognizing their limits.
"No worries, bro." Responds the fearsome hell monster, droplets of their green sweat contrasting against the purple of the person's skin tone.
Rejoining us, Xb'rax announces, "Don't be afraid to change your mind even if you said 'yes' before!" while gesturing to the tentacle-y scene behind them. A human is suspended in the air by a mass of writing root-like appendages that presumably belong to the enormous multi-eyed creature face that learns at them from the foreground.
"I thought I'd like having all my holes stuffed..." The human informs the great beast. "...but please leave my ears alone."
In another scene, a different human asks, "Your roared when I rubbed your horns. Did you like that?" of the horny (literally, they have many horns) fork-tongued anthropomorphic creature gleefully lapping away at the person's cock.
"Ask questions, and be enthusiastic!" The narrator's voice encourages over the preceding scene and the next one.
A tubular, seaweed-y creature uses one of its various tube-y appendages to plumb the depths of a delighted and sweaty human's butt hole with a sound of "SHLUK SHLUK". "I love the way your ichor feels tingly on my balls." Shares the human between pants. "More of that, please!" The person's long curly hair mostly falls behind their shoulders, with two curling tendrils resting just above their full breasts while their hard cock flops against their belly, covered in fluids.
"Be creative and have fun!" Shares the narrator's voice over two more scenes of human/non-human sexual interaction.
In the first scene, a monstrously mutated wasp-like creature positions their ovipositor between the spread legs of a human who is bound up Shibari-style in a kind of web. The insects abdomen glows with hundreds of round green eggs that pulse against their casing, like a lumpy sac of potatoes.
"I'm gravid," Explains the creature to the delighted human. "but the eggs are infertile. If I lay them in you, your body will just absorb them."
"Do it!!" Gleefully urges the human, barely giving the hellish monstrosity time to finish their question.
"I'm so close..." Another human pants as they furiously fuck away at the surfboard-sized glowing crystal formation beneath them. "Can you loop time again when I come?"
"You got it." Responds the beautiful rock, though they have no mouth from which to speak.
"That was fun. Now it's time to clean up." Concludes Xb'rax's narration.
Caption: Aftercare
"Discuss aftercare needs before play, and leave time for them afterwards." The narration reads over two different scenes.
"I like to cuddle and be called 'good boy' after a rough topping." A topless human in a chest harness tells us.
A cone of lightning bolt surges informs us, "I will dematerialize after I come, so please use this amulet to resurrect me, and then I'd like some juice."
"Sometimes play can bring up big feelings! Leave room for them, too." Recounts Xb'rax's voice over the scene of an enormous bed, post-fucking. The blankets are rumbled, pillows are strewn about, and there's a variety of sexual aids sprinkled among the folds of fabric, in addition to one book with a pentagram and titled, "Sex Spells". A human lays on their side, entangled with the enormous demon that lays facing them, making the person appear to be quite small simply by comparison. The monster has enormous curling rams horns on their head, long features sprouting across their body and even more enormous, nightmarish feathered demon wings that rest against the terrain of their rumpled bed.
"Everyone always thinks of me as an EVIL demon king." The Demon King confesses to the human cuddled up in their burly, feathered arm. "It's nice to just pretend for once."
"There, there..." The human reassures their vulnerable partner with a look of peaceful contentment.
The narration concludes with, "Make sure everyone is good to go home." over the scene of a row of humans and creatures tucked in under the blankets next to each other as a wall of enormous eyeballs watches over them.
"I can still hear everyone's thoughts a little bit after that mind-meld." Announces one person sleepily with a tentacle coiling around a lock of their hair. "I need some more time before I'm good to drive."
Xb'rax rejoins us to finish with, "So that's that! You've got all the info you need to start exploring. Now, I gotta run! I've got a hot date at the spawning pool, but maybe I'll catch you there next time!"