I’m so excited to have Sicklyhypnos back again this week, honestly, I think they draw some of the cutest furry characters. You might remember them from their last comic on Watersports!
This week, Sicklyhypnos lightly covers ballbusting with this lover letter of a comic.
Now before you all go akimbo at us about not covering the specifics of this potentially very dangerous kink, I want to point out that this week’s comic is just an auto-bio story, not a how-to. It’s a real life tale (tail), of how Bullbusting can be a not-so-scary thing to carefully try. If it inspires you to try out Ballbusting, CBT (cock and ball torture) or Impact play, please go hunting for more resources and take slow steps: this CAN seriously damage you, so educate yourself and exercise caution. I don’t personally know much about CBT and Ballbusting, so I can’t point you at specific, tried and true resources. How ever, if anyone shares some links to good guides with me, I’ll be sure to drop them in below in the next few days.
From an overhead view, we see Sicklyhypnos reclining on his back in bliss as we see the back of Buster's head going to town giving him a blowjob, until suddenly-
"Ahh," Buster exclaims, pulling away. "I'm sorry I think I was using too much teeth!"
Sheepishly, Sicklyhypnos replies "...I-it's okay, I kinda liked it."
"Oh!" Buster says with a cheeky expression. "So you like it rough?" And with that, he gives a playful tug on Sicklyhypnos' balls.
"U-uhh kinda... Yeah" Sicklyhypnos admits, to his own surprise.
Holding his balls firmly in one hand, Buster hovers his free hand over them ominously. His floating hand curls into a very loose fist, and he turns it so the back of his hand (and its knuckles) faces Sicklyhypnos' vulnerable scrotum.
With careful and quick control, Buster taps his knuckles down into the waiting sack.
"OOF!" Sicklyhypnos gasps.
Page 2
Jolting back, Buster asks with genuine concern, "Sorry, was that too hard?" as Sicklyhypnos reacts in surprise to the strike.
His cock still hard, he replies, "Maybe. But..." Now looking curious and nervously, he goes on. "I kinda liked it."
"More?" Asks Buster.
Sicklyhypnos nods confidently, though his expression looks a little unsure.
Narration: He hit my balls with light paps like that for a while. He mentioned ballbusting before, but, I wasn't sure I could stomach it. I mean, it's right there in the name: BALLBUSTING. What kinda guy wants *that*? After all, getting hit down there too hard could cause some real damage.
Reclining back on the bed, Sicklyhypnos covers his mouth with his hand as he melts into the experience. Buster kneels on the floor next to him, one hand teasing Sicklyhypnos' hard cock while the other carefully slaps his balls with an open hand. Looking focused and pleased, Buster's own cock stands to attention between his legs and his red-tufted golden tail switches behind him.
Narration: The next morning though, I found myself thinking about it a lot. How it felt pretty great, moreso than I expected. I realized that ballbusting was like any other kink; the experience can be as intense as you want it to be. I've never been one for pain, but it was a sort of pleasurable pain.
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Another day, Sicklyhypnos stands at his bathroom mirror, inspecting his reflection. He wears a blue tank top and white briefs. Tentatively, he watches himself in the mirror pulling his hardening cock out from his underwear.
Narration: I felt the need to scope it out more...
Sitting on the ground with his underwear fully pulled off, he tentatively holds his falls for a second, and then, pulling his cock to the side with his other hand, he knocks down a firm tap against his waiting sack.
Narration: I was excited to see how much I could take.
He winces half in pain and half from pleasure as the hit reverberates through him.
Narration: I learned quickly that I was in it for the thrill, but not any extreme pain.
In another instant, he claps his hand over his mouth in shock as his next hit delivers more of a punch than he expected.
Narration: I liked the dull, pleasurable ache and the jolt of surprise from taking more than I expected and I was determined to get tougher.
Now finding a good rhythm, Sicklyhypnos leans against the bathroom wall as he knocks quickly against his balls with a tight "PAT PAT PAT". His eyes close with a sly smile on his lips.
Narration: I didn't want to ruin the moment with somebody by telling them to go hog wild and losing my mind when they really smashed me macadamias.
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Narration: I had fun exploring it on my own but, it was missing something. I realized it wasn't just about the sensation; it was also about the vulnerability and the daring of it.
Sicklyhypnos exhales in pleasure as he simultaneously squeezes his balls with one hand and holds his cumming cock upright in the other. His tail vibrates as he climaxes.
Narration: I was doing something that would squick someone out and yet here I was, getting off on it. There's a weird kind of power in that.
Recovered from his orgasm, he sits upright with a relaxed expression.
Narration: Still, owning up to new kinks is hard. It takes a lot of guts sometimes. After a few nights, though, I had to say something; I wanted it. Badly.
Buster and Sicklyhypnos lounge on his bed, playing video games. They're glad in t-shirts and their tight briefs. While Sicklyhypnos sits upright and cross-legged, Buster lays on his stomach with his tail arcing up in the air and dangling overhead.
"So I was thinking..." Sicklyhypnos begins tentatively, without taking his eyes off the game. "About when you hit on my nuts before..."
"Haha!" Laughs Buster, also keeping his eyes on the screen in front of them. "I wasn't sure you liked it, honestly."
"I did!" Replies Sicklyhypnos quickly, now meeting Buster's eyes. "I've even been trying it out since then."
"Oh? Haha, so you're an expert now?" His friend asks, letting his game controller rest for the first time.
"Naah... But maybe we could try it together some more." Looking away with a dreamy expression, Sicklyhypnos finishes, "You could even do it a bit harder."
Now playing the game again but looking intrigued, Buster replies, "That might be fun."
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Sitting up, Buster adjusts his glasses as he looks towards something else in the room and volunteers, "My, my; what a kinkster~ Well, I've got an idea!"
Sicklyhypnos watches as Buster rummages around in a dresser drawer.
"Oh my.." Sicklyhypnos reacts when Buster presents the wooden paddle to him with a devlish look. "But not too hard."
"I know. And keep your undies on!" Buster reassures Sicklyhypnos. "Help your junk stay in place so I can get in some good shots while I test your limits~ ♥"
Inspired, Sicklyhypnos cheers, "Let's do it!"
The boys resume their initial positions from the first page, with Sicklyhypnos reclining back on the bed with his legs gently spread and Buster kneeling on the ground in front of him-- but this time he holds the paddle over Sicklyhypnos' balls with a confident, hungry smile.
The sound effect "WHACK!" fills up the bottom corner of the page with a jagged shape emphasizing the feeling.
"Fff..." Sicklyhypnos' word balloon follows. "Oh God~"
Transcribed on January 13, 2025 by Erika Moen for https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/ballbusting