I’m so thrilled to bring you Molly Skyfire’s incredible story of trans discovery and resilience! It is a ROUGH time to be trans in the U.S. right now, and this comic is a reminder that being trans comes from within us and that we cannot be legislated out of existence. The process of coming out is complicated and different for everyone, but there’s an exquisite joy to finally being in a place where you are able to get to know yourself, accept yourself, and share yourself with the world!
The harder people make that for us, the more important and life-saving these stories of resilience, acceptance, and support become. I’m deeply grateful to Molly for sharing hers with us, and I hope you find it as moving as I do!
Matt’s Bonus Notes
Oh Joy Sex Toy has JUST turned a DECADE old, and we’re looking for help to continue for another Decade yet! If you’re already supporting us and the comics we make each week – THANK YOU, truly, from the bottom of my heart and all the team here! If you aren’t, AND, you want to be a part of this site – sign up on Patreon for a dollar per comic!
We truly can’t do this without you!
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Molly Skyfire's comic is illustrated With a palette of pastel blues and pinks that are contrasted against a dark purple.
A young, pre-transition author awakes deep beneath the sea. She is dressed in teenage boy clothing: jeans, t-shirt, and an assortment of rubber band bracelets around one wrist. She has a mop of hair on top that is framed by the shaved sides, and a thin braid that dangers over one shoulder. Her clothes and hair wave in the water like the seaweed behind her, and off in the distance she sees a magical kingdom enclosed in a bubble.
Narration: When I was a kid, I had this dream...
"Help me, please!" Exclaims a young woman who looks like she could be her sister. Hair hair is pulled back into a poofy ponytail, except for her mop of bangs. She wears a tight long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows and tight jeans. "The priest is trying to trap me here, he won't listen to me!"
"It took a while..." reads the narration over a scene of a Catholic priest sitting on his thrown, resting his chin against one hand in deep concentration. Her shadow is cast over him, showing her pleading desperately with her hands. "...but I talked him out of it."
Our narrator and the girl now sit in a completely different setting on big poofy beanbag chairs with decorative curtains draped around a giant glass wall that separates them from the ocean. Seaweed sways peacefully behind it in the ocean. The two friends are having an animated conversation and cracking each other up.
Narration: The girl and I were inseparable after that.
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The narrator sits upright in bed, looking haggard. Her room casts strong, menacing shadows across her wall and over her.
Narration: My waking life was less idyllic.
Now in a great, fantastical forest with giant, twisty trees, our narrator and her friend clamber along an outstretched branch. The environment feels cool and nurturing.
Narration: But I found joy in my imagination. And I was never alone.
"Hey." She asks as the two traipse across a long, thick branch. "What's your name, anyway?"
"Call me Molly." She replies.
"Ok, but like, who are you?" Our protagonist presses. "Why are you here?"
"What a great question." Answers Molly as the two stop to take in the view. They are the size of specs compared to the enormous double moons that hang low over the tops of distant mountains and the skeletal alien creatures that wade through a lake.
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Narration: As an adult I found new ways to explore my mind.
A mushroom grows next to the narration.
Narration: In my quest for self-knowledge, I encountered my shadow.
The mushroom's stalk grows downward, rooting through the hairline and forehead of a giant screaming face. A horizontal eye sits in the center of the forehead, framed by the mushroom's roots. The eyebrows and eye slits on either side of the single eye all squeeze together in agony. A liquid drains from either eye slit, screaming, "I WANT TO BE FREE!"
The priest's head is framed by the open screaming mouth as he looks at us with extreme judgement. He wears a small braid down the side of his face, like our narrator has. Halo-ing around the priest's head are the words "I MUST CONTAIN MYSELF"
"NO!" Screams the other eye slit from the giant head.
The priest's hands extend before him, looming over a small shadow figure who crouches on the ground. From each hand a laser beam fires straight down to the shadow, connecting to handcuffs around their wrists. The shadow person has a powerful magnetic glow surrounding them.
"NO MORE HIDING!" Says the shadow person. "LET. ME. OUT."
The ground cracks beneath them, as if it were impacted by an asteroid.
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Back in reality, our narrator returns to consciousness in the same crouched position as the shadow. Her thing braid loops over her shoulder and she is surprised to find herself weeping.
Narration: I woke up in my boyfriend's closet. The irony was not lost on me."
"She was ME all along, Grey." The narrator- Molly- explains tentatively to her boyfriend as they sit on his bed. "Repressed, ashamed & angry as all Hell. How do I be myself after all this time?"
"You can DO this love." The boyfriend reassures her with a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me, admitting who you really are is a big step. The rest is done a little at a time..."
In another scene, Molly's boyfriend gives her the thumbs up as she models a dress.
"...with a lot of help." Finishes Grey's sentence from the previous scene.
Dressed fully in femme clothing, Molly poses with a gaggle of friends.
"You are not alone." Concludes Grey's narration.
page 5
Narration: Of course I'm not alone.
Pre-transition Molly and Dream Molly reach desperately towards each other, not quite able to reach the other's fingertips.
Narration: I never was.
Molly and Molly's hands at last grasp each other, releasing an electric energy.
"I am Molly Rey Skyfire." Says a woman standing confidently before us. Her shoulder-length hair is collected into a lose pony tail that loops over her shoulder, as her smaller pre-transition braid once did. She wears a choker and a long necklace with a single round moon/eye-like piece dangling in the center. Over her flow-y, pleated skirt she wears a form-fitting long top with loose, bell-shaped sleeves. The neckline of the shirt ties in the center with cords, leaving an intentional peek-a-boo gap over her chest but too high up and small to reveal any cleavage.
"And I am a dream come true." Molly declares.
Transcribed by Erika Moen, October 7, 2024 for https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/becoming-molly-skyfire/