When you’re long distance, sometimes you gotta phone it in with your sweetie— but that don’t mean it’s not good! Fortunately, Daverage has written a sweetly sexy story that helps two long distance lovers CUM together ;D

Ever so thankful for Daverage – I’ve been a fan of their work for ages, was super excited to finally get one of their comics!

Once your done signing up as one of Daverages Patreon’s, come and join us on OJST’s! I was invited to be a part of a conventions comics panel a few weeks ago, and so many folk had questions about Patreon, and the best ways to support artists. Truely – we couldn’t make this site without your support there, and it’s simple the best way to creators! And hey, if cash is tight, consider follow us on one of our socials! Follows and likes mean the world to us!

BETTER YET: just give us a follow, for free on Patreon

Finally the three cursed socials we’re trying to move away from
(but we still post to, sorta, kinda, maybe not for much longer…):

Erika and I are FINALLY over our winter-time-Covid, what a month! We’re getting back into the swing of things; and I’m looking for more artists and comics!

↓ Comic Transcript
Daverage draws with a soft, cartoony style and candy colors.

Abby is an anthropomorphic rabbit with a short build, long droopy ears, and dark curly har. Their chest is small and they have thick legs. The comic opens with a high up shot, looking down at an angle on Abby mid-rummage in their refrigerator with an egg carton in their hand before looking over at their cellphone vibrating on their kitchen counter.

"Hello?" They ask into their phone with their other hand still holding the egg carton.

"ABBY!!!" A voice exclaims through the phone so loudly that it sends Abby's ears flying in the opposite direction.

"Bently!" Replies Abby with a smile as they balance the phone between their ear and shoulder to free up both their hands to crack an egg into a frying pan. "Finally at your hotel room?"

"Yup!" Bently's voice says through the phone. "and I'm totally beat..."

The camera pops over into Bently's hotel room, where he is flopped onto his bed on his back while talking into the phone. He is a taller, stocky anthropomorphic wombat with furry tufts across his thick body. He has a strong build without being muscle-y.

"Aw, poor baby..." Abby's voice sounds through his phone. "your tour is going alright though, yeah?"

"It's going great!" He replies. "Although I am looking forward to being back home." Looking a little shy, he scratches his temple with one finger as he continues, "It's been kinda rough without uhh... well, you know."

Back in Abby's kitchen, she cocks an eyebrow at their phone with a "Hm?" and rests the back of their hand (which is holding a spatula) against their hip. "Oh!" She exclaims in realization, raising her spatula into the air. "Ohhh~" She coos flirtatiously into the phone and motioning with the spatula coyly.

Page Two
Abby's voice narrates over a close-up of the cooking egg in the pan, saying, "You must be pent up without me there to... Help~" The egg sizzles loudly as Abby slices the yolk open with the spatula and the goo runs into the pan.

The camera angles up from the floor, giving us a full view of their pants-clad butt with a big poofy gray bunny tail.

"Bet you can't wait to get your hands on my ass, huh?" They ask.

"I really can't..." Bently's voice replies through the phone.

Looking sultry, Abby asks the phone, "Is that so?"

"Y-yeah..." Stutters Bently's voice.

In Bently's room, the camera looks at him from overhead on the bed. The phone rests next to his ear and his arms reach downwards, past the panel border as he closes his eyes with a big, pleased grin.

"HEHE" The phone says into his ear. "havin' fun there, big guy?"

"UHH!!" Bently exclaims, his eyes shooting open and then looking down guiltily in the direction of his arms. From his point of view we now see that he has unthinkingly been rubbing his ginormous boner through his pants.

With the camera back up to his face, he sheepishly answers "Mmmaybe?" with a blush to his phone.

"Haha, thought so!" Abby's voice laughs. "You may continue..."

Page Three
In Abby's kitchen, they balance the phone against their shoulder as they prepare to spread a sauce onto a split open sandwich roll. "First get comfy for me!" They order with a smile. "Get to strippin'!"

With no transition, Bently lays fully nude flat on his back on his hotel room bed.

"And now you may continue..." Abby's voice commands through the phone that lays on the bed next to him. No sooner has be begun to stroke himself than Abby's voice interjects with a, "WOAH WOAH! Not so fast! Slow down and enjoy yourself." As his hand delicately runs up and down his cock, Abby's voice commands, "Niiiice and slooooow."

In Abby's house, they walk from the kitchen to the living room with the phone balanced against their shoulder with one habd carrying a full mug and the other a plate with a thick sandwich.

"Now do that thing with your foreskin." They order deviously.

From Bently's point of view, we see his finger trace around the head of his cock, the tip of it wedged between his foreskin and round glans.

"Oh gosh..." He sighs.

Sitting down on their couch with the phone still cradled to their ear, Abby says, "Now give the rest of ya the attention it deserves. Get handsy!"

Bently moans as he complies, using one hand to squeeze under his pectoral and the other firmly envelops his balls.

Page Four
Panting, Bently brings the phone up to his ear to ask, "Now... now what?" His cock dribbles out pre-cum onto his hand that is firmly wrapped around his shaft.

"Now, uhh, show me that oe position you love so much!" Says Abby's voice.

"Ooo yeah!!" Bently chirps, sitting up straight. "Y-yes right away!"

Abby's phone dings from its perch on the couch's arm as they take a sip from their mug.

Picking up the phone, Abby exclaims "Holy shit, YES!!" upon seeing the photo of Bently from behind. His ass is propped up high in the air from his position on his knees with his hand pushing his cock between his legs towards the camera. His big heavy balls rest on his fist as he cheekily looks behind him towards the camera.

The angle moves to face him so we can see his big silly smile as he kneels with his ass in the air and his chest down on the bed, one arm disappearing down between his legs.

"Can I... go for it now?" He asks the phone that lays flat next to his head.

"On my signal" Responds Abby's voice.

Eyes spiraling, the background dissolves into dots as Bently exclaims, "I'm at my limit here, please, Abby."

Peacefully leaning back into their couch, Abby ever-so-calmly grins as they say, "Aaaaaaaaaaand"

With an ominous close-up on their mouth, Abby concludes, "Cum for me."

"Hnnng!!" Bently groans as he releases his pent-up orgasm. From behind again, his cock shoots towards us, breaking through the panel border. His haunches tremble and his butt hole clenches as he grimaces in pleasure.

Page Five
Abby stands up from the couch, holding the phone to one ear while with the other they carry their empty plate with the mug balanced on it. "Feeling better, stud?" They ask with feigned casualness.

"You have no idea." Replies Bently as he props himself back up from his flopped position on the bed. Now sitting fully upright, he can see the mess he's left on himself and says, "But I could really use a shower."

"Hop to it, smelly!" Abby's voice teases through the phone.

Connected through the phones over the distance, they chatter back and forth.

"I love youuuu." Bently coos as he makes his way to his hotel bathroom.

Putting their dish in the soapy sink, Abby coos back, "I love you mooooore."

"Not as much as me." He says.

"In your dreams, ya lug."

"Rest easy, bunny bun."

"Talk to you in the morning."

The phone call over, Abby gets to work washing their dishes as they day dream about their partner talking on his phone to them. The daydreams begin growing and filling with more and more intense images of all the sexy shenanigans that Bently just did in that hotel room so far away until finally Abby throws their hands to their head as they exclaim, "GAAAAAAHH!!!" in frustration.

In his hotel bathroom, we see the steam rising from behind Bently's shower curtain. His phone sits dormant on the edge of the counter until suddenly it illuminates with a "VRRR" alert. With a look of feigned casualness and teasing expectation, he pulls aside the shower curtain to see his vibrating phone.

Transcribed by Erika Moen on Marh 10, 2025 for ohjoysextoy.com