eronious‘ comic’s all about how she discovered the amazing effects that Shibari and Deep Pressure Stimulation had on her anxiety. It’s a pleasure adding her lovely slice of autobio to our now pretty long list of rope comics! (Here’s a link to our Kink category too).
A huge word of thanks to eronious for opening up and sharing something so vulnerable! Anxiety is just the worst and knowing there are things like this out there for people to use, try and maybe benefit from, is wonderful. We all deserve calming soothing hugs!
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IMAGE: A person stands in front of their mirror confidently, wearing a bra, underwear, and fuzzy slippers. A rope is partially tied around their neck and chest, with lots of cord coiling on the floor. The person ties a knot and then loops it into a pattern around their tummy, with the text "KNOTS! --> LOOPS!" accompanying the illustrations.
The person looks down at their handiwork with happiness while thinking "oh. wow." Pale green spritual-feelings-hands wrap around the person in a comforting way.
Page 2
Close-up of the person's face, looking very content and blushing a little.
TEXT: This feels kind of like... a hug.
Narration: Hours Later...
Image: Still in their rope harness, eronious and their partner snuggle.
"Isn't that getting uncomfortable?" Asks the partner affectionately.
"Actually, I'm still really enjoying how it feels." They reply.
Narration: That day changed the way I viewed Shibari. It didn't just have to be for spicy times, I could utilize this for my own mental health. When I researched more about it I discovered the term: DEEP PRESSURE STIMULATION. Applying FIRM gentle pressure that elicits a relaxing response in your nervous system.
ILLUSTRATION: The person reclines on their bed, fully clothed, with rope tied around their chest. They are researching on their laptop with their black cat looking over their shoulder. The person thinks "Oh shiiiiiiiit..."
Page 3
Narration: This technique isn't new at all! We swaddle our babies. We use weighted blankets.
Image: Illustrations of a happily swaddled baby and a happy adult nested in a 40lb blanket.
Narration: We hug our friends when they're sad and need comforting.
Image: A trio of friends hug.
Narration: Truthfully, I struggle a lot with severe anxiety issues.
Image: In distress, eronious holds their head in their hands, asking themself, "Oh no... what did you do?!"
Narration: Some days are just really hard and hugs are scarce when you live alone.
Image: An anxiety meter rises across the spectrum to peek stress.
eronious sits by the anxiety meter, fretting and tensing, fidgeting with a paper in their hands and tapping their foot, thinking, "shit shit shit"
"hey..." a voice says near their head as they wrap their arms around themself frantically.
Narration: It's up to me to self soothe.
"that rope thing could help" The voice suggests. "right."
Page 4
"where are you?" eronious asks themself as they dig through a drawer until they find their rope. Triumphantly, they hold it aloft (It is 30ft cotton)
"through the bight..." They think to themself as the begin typing the rope around their chest with their cat watching on with interest. Their anxiety meter begins dropping down to lower registers.
Narration: Tying each knot draws focus from my spiraling thoughts. Every loop around adds compression and helps slow down my breathing ad heart rate.
Image: The cat plays with the extra length of rope as it dangles out of the panel.
Narration: In a quick pinch, I'll just wrap it around my chest and throw on a comfy HOODIE.
Image: We have an x-ray view through eronious' big baggy hoody to see the rope bound around their chest in straight lines, no fancy knots or designs.
Narration: If I have the time, I can find a more challenging harness tutorial to focus on.
Image: The anxiety meter continues to descend as eronious watches a video tutorial with intense concentration as they attempt to replicate the steps on themself with their rope.
Page 5
Narration: My aniety isn't 'cured,' but it IS getting easier to manage.
Image: Eronious cuddles their cat and we again have an x-ray view through their hoody to see the simple rope binding around their chest. Their anxiety meter has settled back to its lowest register.
Narration: Shibari's become such a unique and helpful tool in my box of coping skills. There, when I need it. Each loop keeping me present, focusing on my hands and body. Wrapping me up in self care.
In an informational box bordered with rope and knots, the text reads:
Feeling anxious and want to give it a try?
-Look up some basic ties online (I like thedutchy)
-Buy some soft rope.
-Keep some safety scissors nearby!
-Don't go too tight and never restrict your breathing!
-Take your time. Enjoy the process. <3
Image: Safety bandage-cutting blunted scissors rest over the bottom left corner of the rope boundary on the information box.
Narration: I'm having fun, and taking life one knot at a time.
Image: eronious stands smiling at us, in the process of tying a fancier rope harness over their chest while their cat bites at the loose rope end.
Transcribed by Erika Moen on December 3, 2024