Lane draws up a buck wild porny sexy space pirate adventure of a comic. What a phrase, and what a comic!
It’s a bunch of fun; and a nice way to head toward the holiday season.
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(OJST founder Erika Moen also has her own monthly Patron if you’d like to support her! She’s currently working on a mental health book/pitch for next year!)
The Cast:
Captain Higsby (He/Him) : A tall, chubby man with tan skin. His hair is a purple and curly, and his black mustache is done in two large points.
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Narration: Somewhere in the vast emptiness of space.
A red and blue chunky, angular spacecraft zips through the purple hue of space with two earth-like planets and another pink one in the distance.
"You just had to push this ol girl too hard, didn't ya?" A voice asks from inside the ship.
Inside the ship, we see Lt. Zex (They/Them) from their chin to their thighs. They are a pale, nonbinary person with bright, blue hair done in spikes. They are wearing a small pink halter top that only covers their breasts and a thong to match.
" 'We don't need the whole crew. We can pilot this rust bucket ourselves.' " Zex wails, mockingly. "Remember saying that, Captain?"
Only visible from his sweaty chest with pierced nipples down to the bulge in his gray boxer briefs, Captain Higsby answers, "You can't blame me for a faulty FTL drive! I can't believe you got me to agree to stealing this ship."
For the first time, we are given a full view of Zex and Higsby inside their ship. Their jumpsuits are strewn over the many consoles and operational controls while the two crew members sit on the floor sweating and in distress. Zex sits on their butt wears thick, purple tinted glasses and a single vertical stripe of blue lipstick that matches their eye shadow. In addition to their pink undergarments, they also wear knee-high striped socks to match. Higsby squats beside them, his hair is a purple and curly, and his black mustache is done in two large points. In addition to his boxers, he wears orange ankle-high socks.
"Apologies." Zex replies curtly. "With all the debt the crew is in, I didn't know we could be picky with jobs."
"We're in so much debt because you don't know how to pick jobs." He retorts.
"You wouldn't even have a crew if it wasn't for my charm and wit." They say, looking miserably hot and sweaty.
"How about we just drop this until the rest of the crew grabs us?" Higsby responds, looking the same. "Try and enjoy the little bit of cool air in here."
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Now looking mischievous, Zex strokes their chin thoughtfully and muses, "Higsby, if I didn't know better... I'd think you did this on purpose."
"Wait, what?" Higsby asks, genuinely surprised.
"It's been forever since we could be alone." Zex continues teasingly. "You must have been missing me!"
"I wouldn't risk our lives just so we could fuck!" Higsby responds brusquely as he makes his way over to a console. "Kiss me ass, Zex!"
Standing up too, Zex follows him, playfully telling him, "I could have sworn you liked it more when I ate your ass."
Higsby's eyes widen as Zex's words catch him off guard. Recovering, he turns away from them, saying, "It's only because you're so good at it."
Zex drops down to be at eye-level with his full booty. Hearts emanate around them as they reply, "Only cause you've got such a great ass. Goddamn."
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His back still turned to Zex with his hands resting on a console counter, he turns his head to answer them in a softer tone. "Hey, I'm sorry for snapping."
"It's ok, Luv." Zex responds from her kneeling crouch on the floor, face still level with his butt though they are looking upwards to meet his gaze. "Heat got to you. I know you didn't mean it." Deftly, they slide his boxers down, revealing a soft, thick tan circumcized cock with slightly browner balls, and lots of body hair across his belly and legs- though not much on his actual pubic region. "Now, how about we release some of that stress?"
"Yeah. Great idea, Zex..." Higsby agrees tentatively and then his eyes suddenly cross and squinch as he gasps, "O.. oh!"
His giant beefy dong now rock hard, Hibsby braces himself against the counter while Zex keeps their face planted squarely between his cheeks. From their spread-legged crouch on the floor, Zex plays with their own pink penis, jerking it with one hand while playing with their breast with the other.
"Get up..." He commands with a smile.
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Their cock in hand, Zex turns their back and straddles the now-seated captain as they ask, "Mind if I take a sweat, Big Boy?"
"Hell yeah." Higsby responds with a huge smile and his cock gripped in his hand. He guides them to sit just behind his dick, so that Zex's legs straddle it on either side. "Bet you wanna take all of this, don't you?" He asks playfully.
"Y... yes Sir!" Zex says with a lusty look and biting their finger, letting their weight be supported by the captain's hands.
"Then let's see just how much you can take." He says as he guides Zex's hips downwards until the head of his cock meets their ass.
"F...fuck Higsby!" They gasp. A word balloon containing a heart and an exclamation point emanate from the meeting point of the cock and ass. Zex's own dick stands at upright attention, revealing the vertical row of rounded silver piercings running up the shaft.
"Right down to the hilt!" The captain declares as Zex's hungry ass swallows up his mega donger.
"Ahhh!" They exclaim.
From overhead, we get a top-down view of Zex riding Higsby. They lean forward and press their arms and hands back to push back against his barrel chest. Higsby braces his own back against the console and leans his head back with closed eyes.
"N... ow how about you just lie back and let me take over, hmm?" Zex asks without breaking their rhythme bouncing on that cock. "Gotta make sure these nuts are drained before the crew gets here..."
"Y... yeah!" The captain concurs over the sound of butt hole slamming down against balls with a juicy PLAP! PLAP! PLAP!
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"Captain? Zex?" A worried-looking gray bug person with antennas comes into our view. Behind them are two more crew mates, one a kind of orange crab-thing with a single eye on a stalk and the other a pointy-earned fluffy brownish entity. All of them wear the same green utilitarian and zippered jacket tops and blue pants.
We now see that they are standing on the other side of a Star Trek-esque sliding door, from which muffled sounds are inscrutably emanating.
"They should be in here." The original crew mate states to their companions. "But what's all that noise?"
Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Zex's purple glasses fly off their head as they exclaim, "Oh shit!" amid a sea of PLAP! PLAP! PLAP!s
"Are they in trouble?" The crew mate asks through the door.
"Yes! Yes! Fill me up, Captain!" Zex cries out, now riding the reclining Higsby in cowgirl style. "Don't you dare fucking pull out!" All the monitors in the room are now full of giant red exclamation points as the couple's PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! sounds fill the air until finally the two erupt in a fountain-like climax.
"It just got even louder!" The crew mate calls from the other side of the door. "We need to unlock this door, now! Don't worry, guys! We're coming in!"
Spent and lying flat on the floor, Higsby's eyes both swirl in spirals. His senses are returning enough to him that he can say "Oh no!" but he is still so fuck drunk that his mouth is frozen in an enormous just-got-fucked toothy smile.
Transcribed by Erika Moen on December 16, 2024 for https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/deep-space-fk-lane