Another Jem Milton comic? Oh heck YES!
This week Jem’s got another treat for us about their evolving and continuing adventure in polyamoury and love. Worth a read is their previous few comics for us; Pleasure Drive and Love Radiates, which I’d 100% consider as a prequel to today’s incredible comic.
Truly, comics like today’s fill my heart and soul. Thank you, Jem!
Worth noting with the links below; Jem’s gonna be bringing out a sequel to their first printed collection of Diary comics soon! – I bought Poly Who? a while back and loved it, so stay tuned.
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On the left-hand side is a vertical row of sweet, teal-toned cartoony illustrations of anthro character companions in domestic settings, one is Jem, a canine with pointed ears, bangs and sometimes glasses while the other a bison with big strong horns and a pierced nose.
Running parallel on the right is another vertical row of illustrations, these ones in a magenta tone and far less innocent than their counterpoint teal illustrations. These feature the same canine with bangs from the teal images and introduces a thick polar bear with an undercut.
On the left, in teal, Jem knits while their bison partner cuddles their cat.
NARRATION: I have been in two long term relationships for a few years now. Both are meaningful and fulfilling to me, but in completely different ways.
On the right in magenta, Jem wears a muzzle and collar with a chain while the polar bear bits into their shoulder.
On the left, in teal, Jem and the bison are bundled up for the winter while they walk down the street holding hands and exhaling little clouds of condensation, while they each carry a steaming cup in their free hands.
NARRATION: When I was growing up, I wondered what the perfect relationship for me would be like. I've since learned that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, and I might now just want one in the first place.
In magenta on the right, the polar bear lovingly chokes Jem, whose hands are bound to the bed post. Everyone is very into it.
In teal on the left, Jem sits in bed, gazing lovingly at their sleeping bison who is snuggled up with the cat.
In magenta on the right, the polar bear and Jem are cooling off post-fuck, eating food while they relax on the couch and happily recap their evening.
NARRATION: I've learnt that relationships can be as different from one another as the people in them.
All the artwork on this page is teal.
A younger version of the bison hoists a younger Jem with long curly hair up into the air in their bedroom.
NARRATION: I wasn't always this clear on how my love life might work. When we first met, my original partner tried to indulge my sexual energy to please me, despite gaving doubts about their own.
Younger Jem reclines under the bison in a field, looking like a romance novel. Jem is swept up in the romance of it all while the bison secretly looks unsure of themself.
NARRATION: When the sex stopped, the narrative I'd learned from the media told me that my partner wasn't attracted to me anymore, but in reality their sex drive was barely there at all at that time, and they'd been afraid to tell me.
The bison is having a serious talk with Jem, who now has hair cut to their chin length. The bison is explaining something difficult while Jem listens, looking unsure.
NARRATION: When things might have ended, we talked about polyamory and how they didn't want me to miss out on sexual experiences.
Jem, now with only bangs for hair, shows the bison a cute deer who has shown up on Jem's dating app. Jem looks encouraged but still slightly unsure, they look like they're asking "Is this ok?" The bison reviews Jem's phone looking positive and happy for them.
NARRATION: I believe that conversation made our relationship so much stronger. What I'd thought was fading was just changing.
All the artwork on this page is magenta.
NARRATION: I met my second partner a few years later, after dating and playing with a few different people. We weren't even supposed to get together, but there was an intense metaphysical attraction between us.
Present-day Jem with bangs is looking over their shoulder in a gathering in someone's living room, making first eye contact with the polar bear who is talking with a lizardy-dragony person.
NARRATION: I had been held so many times, but not this way. I kept waiting for the bubble to burst, for reality to break the spell.
Branches of cherry blossoms overlap across the page, resting over a panel of Jem and the polar bear in bed. They are gazing lovingly into each other's eyes while the polar bear plays with the cord that binds Jem's wrists together.
NARRATION: ...But that moment never came.
A cherry blossom from the branch overlaps onto a panel of Jem and the polar bear eating out at a restaurant, laughing and having a good time.
NARRATION: In fact, as time went on we gained closeness as well as intensity.
The polar bear and Jem stand embracing by a pond, wrapped up in their love.
A teal photobooth strip of Jem and the bison unrolls across the page, showing cute couple-y moments like cooking in the kitchen together, sharing popcorn at the movies, spooning while asleep, and Jem wearing a ballgag while looking serene. A second photobooth strip in pink shows Jem and the polar bear in a series of moments, fooling around in bed, cuddling, having some kind of play fight in the shower. The teal photo strip crosses over the pink one.
NARRATION: At the start I wasn't sure there was room in my head and my heart for so much love.
Jem stands between the polar bear and bison, holding each one's hand. The wind lightly rustles the dresses of Jem's partners. Jem beams and their partners look adoringly at them. The pink colors the linework of the polar bear and the left half of Jem, which then transitions into teal to cover the right half of Jem and all of the bison.
NARRATION: ...But like with most things, time takes care of the strangeness of change.
Pink and teal flows across the page, mixing and intersecting, along with a dusty blue-gray that is introduced in spots. A medley of illustrations rolls out across the page showing Jem snuggling their cat, Jem and a mouse reading illustrated cards on the floor, Jem videochatting with a cat, Jem and the polar bear holding each other in bed, Jem and the water bison hugging while fully clothed, and finally Jem, the bison, and a fox all snuggled together.
NARRATION: And one person can experience many different kinds of love.
Transcribed by Erika Moen on November 13, 2023.
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