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Our two advance copies of Drawn to Sex: The Basics arrived and, haha, I’m actually pretty emotional about it. They turned out so beautifully. So, so beautifully. This book holds the last five years of my life and I can feel every one of them in it.

While our Kickstarter backers will be getting their copies before the general public, you can still pre-order a copy now for its November 6th release date!
If you’ve got a favorite local comic shop or indie book store, please contact them directly! Ask ’em to reserve you a copy of “Drawn to Sex: The Basics” by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan. Cut off ordering date for comic stores is October 15th!
If you’re more of an on-line ordering kinda person, let me direct you towards our affiliate links to the book’s listings on Powell’s and Amazon. (Affiliate linking means those companies will send us a small percentage of the sales they make through those links). They’ll send the book straight to you on its launch day.
In The Basics, the first book of the Drawn to Sex series, we explore the practical side of sex, from what defines sex, to barriers, STI testing, masturbation, and the ins-and-outs (and ins-and-outs) of having sex with other people. All the fundamental stuff! Using comics, jokes, and frank communication, we’re here to demystify the world of sex and answer your questions—including the ones you didn’t know you had!
Publisher’s Weekly calls it “…a sex-positive gulp of fresh air.” and advance reviews on GoodReads are positive!
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this book exist. This is our life’s work and it’s real and it’s here and it’s the most beautiful book we’ve ever made. Haha, I feel like I say “This is our best book yet!” each time we release a new one– but it IS TRUE each time! Matt and I have been producing books for about a decade, Matt’s specifically been in charge of assembling and designing the last several OJST books we’ve published each year. You do something again and again and you’re bound to improve! This book definitely shows it, it’s the crown jewel of our collection.
We couldn’t have done this without the support of our Kickstarter backers and we’re so, so grateful.
Thank you to everyone who showed up for our book release party!
Portlanders! I hope you’ll join us for our book release party! :D :D :D
November 15, 7-9pm
3213 SE Division St,
Portland, OR 97202