Hien Pham doesn’t beat around the bush with his comic on flogging. Get into the swing of things and follow along as he whips up some fun. This is a fun showcase of a shared intimate moment between two kinkster friends, and that’s just lovely to read. Thank you as ever Hien, we’ll get you that Magic Wand I swear =D
Hien’s Blog Note!
Thank you to my dear friends Bowser and Pup Clay for showing me how to flog, and letting me flog for the first time respectively! I am very lucky to have such lovely friends, and I am looking forward to sharing more fun experiences with y’all!
Need a place to buy up some impact-play tools and what’s-its? We lovvvvve the people and selection at Stockroom!
Friends who flog together, stay together. Genuinely so grateful for today’s whip-smart comic on this kind of impact play – something traditionally we’ve not had much coverage on, as it’s something that needs to be very carefully practiced! If this one’s inspired you, make sure to do tonnnnns of research and take it super slow and easy! Our bodies are soft and delicate and easily hurt – go slow, go easy and seek experienced guidance (I’d bet that if you live near a friendly queer sex store, they’ll have a class or two about this sort of thing that you can sign up for).
Support OJST in making these sorts of comics and get fun little extra strips and BTS stuffs! Truly we can’t do this without regular support, and for the price of a coffee each month, we promise to keep hiring artists to tell their stories and keep this space running and available to those who need it. Help us keep cracking the whip on creativity and fun!
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Bowser is also a heavyset person with a build and body hair similar to Hien's, but with a pale complexion and a full head up hair that is swept up in a pointy coif. They have one big tattoo piece on their left upper arm. They wear only black gloves that come up to their forearm and we catch a glimpse of some kind of underwear.
The coloring of the comic is deep, warm purples and reds, with a textured pencil-y line illustrating the people and settings. For emphasis and motion lines, Hien uses a white line. Hien's style ranges from simplified chibi to a more realistic but still simplified cartoon style, with loving attention paid to body hair textures.
A chibi-fied Hien toddles into a dungeon room, wearing only his towel. "Good ole kinky corner at my local sauna~" He says, with flowers of excitement floating around him. "What fun new experience shall we have today?" In the background we see a large bondage cross (a life-size, upright X that people have their wrists and ankles tied to, leaving them thoroughly exposed), mirror, various cords hanging from the ceiling, and in the foreground a heavy duty metal chain.
"Hien!" A chibi Bowser exclaims as they swoop in upside-down from the ceiling behind Hien, like a bat that is just hanging out in an attic. "I've got just the thing!"
"GASP!!" Hien gasps.
"Allow me to introduce you to *floggers*!" A normal-size Bowser explains as they gesture at a large, detailed drawing of a flogger that has appeared over their heads. It shows a handle that is covered in patterned straps with a loose wrist strap coming off the very end. At the other end is a cluster of dozens of straps, reminiscent of a mop- but made out of leather and it's for kinky stuff. "Loud, dramatic, and not very painful. A staple in the impact play fantasy!"
"Oh!" Hien chirps, still in his chibi state with his eyes EXTRA big.
Now both people returned to their normal sizes and more realistically drawn, Hien ventures as he spreads his arms and legs to attach to the bondage cross, "I've been wanting to give flogging a try, but I do admit to being a bit scared..."
"that's alright!" Bowser reassures him. "I'll start with one light flog, and you tell me how it feels okay?" The leather strips of the flogger swish casually in front of Hien's nude backside.
"Okay!" He agrees anxiously.
Hien flinches as the first WHAP! lands on his backside. "Waah-" He yelps, and then his expression changes immediately to surprise and revelation as he exhales a soft "-oh..."
"On a pain scale of one to ten, how was it?" Bowswer asks good naturedly.
"That was like a light tap... a one!" Hien shares, still deep in his surprise and processing of the new sensation. "Keep going!"
WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Criss-crossing white motion lines with pink splotchy explosions fill up the panel.
"I'm warming you up with a steady tempo, flogging in a figure eight back and forth." Explains Bowser as the motion lines and WHAP! sound effects fall across Hien's lower back and butt. "The longer and thinner an instrument is, the more it stings. Floggers are soft and cover a fair area, so they should feel like nice blunt thuds."
Bowser strokes a comforting gloved hand down the back of Hien's neck to the space between his shoulders.
"It's so windy with how much air the flogger moves around..." Hien observes during the pause. "It's... relaxing, almost..."
WHAP!!! Bowser unleashes the most forceful flogger hit yet.
"Ah!" Hien exclaims. "That's a three!"
Against a black background we see white motion lines over an electric pink explosion, accompanying a WHAP! and an "Ah!", which repeats a second time.
Hien's face is a mix of emotions, his eyebrows are furrowed and eyes squeezed closed, but at the same time he looks content and kind of relaxed. "Aa-" he exhales.
"Hehe!" Giggles Bowser impishly behind him.
"Oh!!! I hate you!" Hien pretends to fume.
Against a black background, a bubble of narration reads, "Playing with expectations is a truly beautiful part of flogging."
Another word balloon starts to say, "Is it now-" but is interrupted by swift white motion lines and a pink explosion with the sound effect WHAP! "Ah!" someone cries out in the blackness.
In an intimate shot, we see Bowser's hand tenderly pressing against Hien's butt as he quivers. Bowsers big belly with delicate, beautiful hair is close to Hien's back as well.
"Feels good?" Asks Bowser.
"Yeah. Whoa. I'm really getting into it..." Hien replies as he drifts from spacey-ness back to reality.
"I don't do well with pain, so I wasn't sure how I was gonna go..." Hien continues as Bowswer strokes his back with his gloved hand. "But, when you grabbed me neck... It felt like you were saying "trust me," and it made me feel safe."Bowswer's hand continues to stroke up Hien's back to his shoulders and neck. "From that point, I was able to let go of my reservations and focus on the new sensations, new sounds, new rhythm of the present. There's a lot of similarities between flogging and my own Shibari practice!"
In a silly turn, Hien transforms into a big, fuzzy pointy-eared dog smiling with his tongue out but still has his glasses on as Bowser gives his butt a good scratch.
"Plus, it felt really nice to have someone's entire attention on me! Hehe!" Dog Hien continues, leaning into his butt scratch.
"Aw, cute pup!" Coos Bowser.
Bowser's gloved hand now clicks on a Magic Wand vibrator as he says, "And, of course... Aftercare." and begins to stroke it over Hien's butt.
"Ooooohhhh.... Yeessss...." Moans Hien happily.
As Hien leans in to the vibrational massage, he reverts to his chibi-self and coos, "I've gotta get me one of these Magic Wands..."
"Good isn't it?" His friend agrees encouragingly.
Reverting back to his more realistically-drawn self, Hien agrees, "It is good! And even better is that I feel closer to you, Bowser."
With an affectionate wink, Bowser replies, "Same here, sweetie."
With the boys out of view, we overhear them continuing to talk while we're left to look at the discarded black gloves, flogger, and Magic Wand.
"Alright! What other instruments have you got?" A voice asks.
"You might need a whole 'nother comic for these, Hien." Comes the answer.
"Yell yeah! Try me!" He replies.
Transcribed by Erika Moen on August 19, 2024