Watch as these two blossom from garden pals to something a bit more… succulent. This silly, sexy comic is by the incredible Drew Green (who’s shown up on OJST once before!)
Join in and watch these two cuties show us how to plant some seeds and cultivate more than crops with their naughty nibbling on forbidden fruits and a whole lot of hoe-ing around.
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Garden Witch by Drew Green is drawn in a cute, bouncy, cartoony art style with vibrant pastel hues.
Parker is a big hunk of a man with a big soft belly, a close-cropped beard, and soft dark skin. He wears a tight, stylish berry-colored baseball cap, a white tank top, purple jean shorts, yellow sneakers, and a denim jacket decorated with shiny gold pins that complement his one crescent moon earring and thin gold necklace with a pearl-like stone in its center. His golden magic wand sports another crescent moon at its top.
Gary is a slightly smaller man with a similar build as Parker. He wears a red beanie over his mess of auburn hair that matches his beard and mustache. His shirt sleeves are rolled up and his short green shorts are held up with suspenders. For work safety he sports thick gloves and boots to match. His green magic wand has a small green leaf sprouts at the top, just below the pink flower bud-esque orb that sparks pink sparkles.
We begin our story outside a strip of small, appealing shops, with our focus going straight to Garden Witch, which sports flourishing plants in window boxes outside and a modern glass greenhouse attached to the side of the brick building. A giant pointy witch's hat sits askance on the corner of the building.
"Sooo..." A voice emanates from inside the arboretum. "You're NOT gonna eat that lunch I brought ya?"
"That was so sweet, Parker, but this HUGE order has to go out today and my plants are acting awfully FUSSY!" Now inside the arboretum, we see that Gary is replying while wrangling with a man-sized Venus Flytrap-esque potted plant with multiple biting and shrieking heads of different sizes. A small one chomps down on his beefy forearm as he holds his magic wand aloft in his free hand.
"I mean, I've still got most of my lunch break left." Parker says while checking his watch on his one wrist, while still holding the takeout bag of lunch in his other hand. "I can help you out until I need to get back."
"Ohmygosh, I would love that!" Exclaims Gary as he tries to pull his magic wand back from a plant head that's chomped down on the pink orb at its top.
"Let's take care of this grumpy guy first." Like a pro, Parker uses his crescent moon-topped magic wand to lull the bitey plant into a content slumber. "Also, next lunch is on YOU, Gary."
"Deal!" Gary happily cries out.
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In a montage, the burly men work together with their magic wands to harvest magical flower buds and incite blue flowers to sprout and bloom. While hoisting a giant bag of seed to pour into another container, Parker's hand unintentionally finds itself gripping onto Gary's soft midsection. With a squeeze, both Gary and Parker suddenly realize where Parker's hand is and they look at each other with a moment of being startled. The surprise is short-lived as the two abandon their task to fall into a passionate embrace, locking lips while hearts and sparkles erupt around them and pink flowers bloom on the plants behind them.
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The two are engulfed in a magical pink aura as they make out. Gary turns his back to Parker as he pulls up his shirt, revealing his patchily hairy chest and big round belly. Parker continues to nuzzle Garry from behind and run his hands over Gary's front. The pink flower buds behind them grow and sparkle.
"WAIT, on sec!" Gary interrupts in shock.
From outside the store, we see the "OPEN" sign flip around to "CLOSED".
Back inside, our boys are now fully nude save for their socks, with Parker wearing only his golden necklace and earring. Gary holds Parker's cock in one hand, his foreskin leaving a small extra adornment on his hardening cock.
"So, where shall we do this?" Parker asks as he leans against the glass wall that Gary has his back to. He is very slightly taller than Gary, so Gary has to look up to meet his eye contact.
"The flower?" Asks Gary as he gestures to an enormous, couch-sized pink blossom.
"The flower!" Concurs Parker.
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Flopping backwards onto the giant, cushy flower, Gary's circumcised cock hardens in anticipation of Parker crawling over an enormous petal to reach him. Upon reaching him, Parker goes to town on Gary's junk, sucking on his balls and running his tongue up Gary's fully erect dick in one slow lap, soliciting a bead of pre-cum from the tip. Gary reclines back with his eyes closed, feeling magical sparkles, as Parker continues to keep his mouth on his dick while also reaching upwards to tweak Gary's nipples. The magical background flowers and sparkles grow and grow, filling up the panels until suddenly-
"Ohp!" Gary gasps, his orgasm exploding from his cock in full force and the flowers sparkling at maximum force.
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Now reclining in the after-glow, Gary suggests, "I'd say that's a job well-done!"
"It was hard work, but somebody had to do it!" Laughs Parker.
"WORK!! Oh no!" Gary shouts in horror. "You'll get in trouble! I've kept you far too long!"
"Shh," Parker calmly reassures his flustered boyfriend. "you'll stress out the plants."
With a wink, Parker continues, "I can just call out for the rest of the day and help you pack these babies up! It's fine!"
"Th-that's true, heh." Agrees Gary. "You know..."
Outside the shop we can see that flowers have blossomed all over the storefront, with some gigantic pink blooms erupting out of the roof. Even the witch's hat decoration on the corner of the building now sports a big pink flower in its band.
"I'm not sure we have enough flowers." Gary's voice continues through a window. "Should we... bloom some more?"
"Oh, I'm VERY down." Agrees the voice of Parker from inside the shop.
Today comci was transcribed by Erika Moen! Support her efforts by... supporting us on Patreon ;D https://www.patreon.com/OhJoySexToy