Biiiiiiiiiiiiig THANK YOU to porn-comics-making-super-couple Leslie Ortego & Brad Brown for filling in for me this week! Not only are Matthew and I giant fans of their hilarious and hot comic The Rock Cocks but we’re super excited about their brand new venture on Slipshine, Tissue Box (you need a SlipShine membership to see it)! You can also find more of their work here at Tissue Box tumblr and here at Blaster Nation (sfw!)
If you’re interested in any of the fantastic Hentai artists they mention here is a nifty link too!
Then hunt around for:
Suehirogari (recommended for exhibitionism)
Suehirogari’s, Hana No Iro chapter1 (look for more chapters!)
Homunculus (recommended for anatomy and panties-to-the-side-action)
Yukimi (Ultra cute)
Yukimi’s, Selfishly with Love
Man-O-Man, what a super packed week it’s been. Let me just remind you that the first Oh Joy Sex Toy art show is up at Babeland in Seattle (707 E Pike St) until January! And the Anal Safety Snails t-shirts are shipping now! If you’ve gotten yours, send me a photo of you wearing it to me on Twitter (@ErikaMoen)!!