Another week, another guest comic!
Our work schedule on the books and Erika’s time at the Intensive Outpatient Program for mental health means you’re in for a few more weeks of guest comics. It’s like getting a few more weeks of summer really, but way more fun =) Today, you’re seeing the comic work of talented animation visual developer, Zach Clarkson! I ran into his beautiful work a few months ago and had to drop his an email, it’s absolutely gorgeous stuff.
His comic today is pretty light and easy – a little bit autobio, a little bit helpful tips. If you’re looking for a thicker slice of similar stuff, take a peek at some of our other butt sex comics:
– Butt Sex 101!
– Anus Anatomy
– Anal Sex Preperation
– Manual Sex (talks a bit about fingers in butts)
Then bonus round, comics on:
– Butt toys
– Lubes
Zach’s comic encourages you to start small when picking up a toy to start your anal adventures with. This is the one I was first to introduced to!
Links to Zach!
Want to stay looped in with all the craziness that’s happening in our lives? The best way is to follow Erika on Instagram or Twitter, and to sign up to Patreon – Erika’s been posting small lite comics and updates on our lives there. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the crazy workload – We’re hoping in November-December we’ll be done with the books and able to take a break, before returning to the old schedule. As always we’re so, so, so thankful for your continued support and believing in what we do. I promise – you’ll all be so proud of these books when we get them done and in your hands <3