Running off into the wilderness–days from a shower–is no reason to forego cleanliness. So cartoon Ripley’s here to take you on a quick journey through the world of hiker hygiene!
With so many miles under my belt I could talk on this subject for ages; just keeping your butt and bits clean is a whole comic on its own. In the end it all boils down to listening to your body and taking care of it the best you can. Have burning questions? Want to hear about my wild backpacking stories? Feel free to hit me up on Bluesky! Happy trails, y’all. Stay safe and clean out there!
More Resources!– The MUST read: The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace
– Sea to Summit’s “Guide on Personal Hygiene when Camping and Hiking”
– SectionHiker(dot)net’s “Female Hygiene While Backpacking”
Want to read more of my adventure comics, check these out:
– How To Poop In The Woods
– Periods In The Wilderness
– More Hiking Comics
The color palette of this comic is dusty, with dark maroons, pinks, pale yellows, white and black. It's got a noisy gritty layer treatment, lending itself to a vintage feeling. The characters in todays comic are the following:
Ripley, the author is a nonbinary person with glasses, shaggy black hair, a pink kerchief around their neck, black knee-length shorts, and a yellow long-sleeve shirt. They also have a smattering of facial hairs. Their friend is a pale-skinned cis woman with short curly pink hair and wears a purple tank top.
A car speeds along a winding road in a woodland wilderness, along a canyon with a river running in it and mountains in the background.
"So how many miles did you hike?" A voice asks from inside the car, to which another voice responds, "One-hundred and sixty-five! That brings my total to 1,725!"
Inside the car we now see that it is Ripley talking, as they continue, "Only 925 to go until I've hiked the entire Pacific Crest Trail!" Simultaneously proud and resting, Ripley cups the back of their head, which raises their elbows into the air. Notable fumes waft from their armpits. "how'd your week go?"
From the driver's seat, their friend replies, "Oh, y'know, kept your garden nice and watered... The cats were SO needy while you were gone. And-" As the scent fumes reach the friend's nose, they freeze in horror as they inhale with a mighty SNIFF.
Ripley then starts as their window rolls down on its own accord and their voluminous stink plumes are sucked out the window.
"...Sorry." They offer sheepishly to their friend, who still has her hand on the window controls from the driver's side.
"No, it's okay! It just blows my mind that you can tolerate being so *filthy* on these backpacking trips." She replies, a little embarrassed herself.
Outside the car, we watch it bounce along down the road with nature on either side.
"Well, it's not like I'm a wild animal." Ripley explains.
"hey!" grunts an offended opossum from the brush.
"I used to think backpacking meant being nasty all the time too..." Ripley continues, now flashing back to them out in the wild hiking, complete with oversize backpack. "But I learned real quick how disastrous that actually is. I could fill a book with the kinds of things I've seen or experienced!"
Surrounding Ripley are a collection of maladies they've encountered on the trail.
Narration: Yeast can accumulate in grubby hair and cause scalp irritation. Grimy genitals entice chafe and harbor bacteria. Dirty, dusty feet are an invitation for blisters sensitive to infection. Oral care doesn't take vacations! Soiled hands solicit nasty hand-to-mouth infections (or parasites!). Unwashed skin is ripe for irritation and rashes.
"What about a book on how to prevent that stuff?" Asks the friend, back in their car. "But a *Cliffs* notes version."
"Hah! Good one." laughs Ripley.
"Because, honestly, how does anyone keep clean in that kind of environment?" The friend continues. "All the slimy sweat! Dirty fingernails! Dust and oils and saps and... STINK!"
"My friend, have you ever heard of... *water?*" Ripley asks overly-earnestly.
"How'd you like to *hike* home?" The friend teases back.
"Point taken." Ripley continues. "But seriously!"
Next to an illustration of Ripley washing their dirty feet next to a river, the narration reads: Dirty, sweat, and grime? A bandana and fresh water work wonders.
Narration: You could use biodegradable soap; a little goes a long way! (though it tends to dry out my skin.)
One display we see "Wilderness Wash" in a bottle, a bar of "Kirk's Original Castile", and a cylindrical bottle of "Dr. Bronner's". The narration clarifies: (All soaps MUST be used and disposed of far from water sources.)
Above a ziplock bag containing folded-up wipes and a package of baby wipes, the narration reads: And of course if water is scarce, unscented baby/body wipes* are my go-to. *Pro tip! Soak your wipes with a heavy splash of witch hazel before your trip to extra antibacterial and inflammation-fighting power.
Again in the car, the friend observes, "Well, you won't catch me five steps from a trailhead without at least deodorants."
"Actually," Ripley interjects. "fragranced toiletries can attract bugs and bears..."
"Dang it!" Exclaims the friend.
Discreetly scratching her butt, the friend asks, "All right, land sharks and flying vampires aside, what about... *Swamp ass?*
"Oh, do you mean Monkey Butt? Crotch rot?" Jokingly asks Ripley. "Bayou Bunghole? Don't forget Pew Dew."
"Ah yes, a man of culture!" She teases.
Flashing back to the wilderness, we see a generic person standing knee-deep in a river, scrubbing between their butt cheeks with a cloth. On land in the distance, two observes react in shock and horror to this display, one person barfing by a tree. The narration explains, "Well, you can't just hose down in any ol' stream, other hikers drink that. So, this is where baby wipes are a *must*. They're sanitary and single use, reducing cross contamination. (Remember to follow Leave No Trace principles and pack out all non-biodegradable, man-made materials.)
Transitioning to a public restroom/shower area, we see Ripley's backpack leaning against the outside of the shower stall with their clothes strewn across a chair and on the floor. Inside the shower we can just see the backside of Ripley as they are bending over to inspect something on their front and exclaiming, "...what the??". A caption explains this is Seiad Valley, CA July 2022.
Narration: Don't forget your front bits! Smegma builds up *real fast* under your foreskin, hood, or labia folds. On my first big trip after starting HRT I didn't know smegma could harden. It took forever to carefully wash it out of my fresh, tender bottom growth..."
"YE-OUCH!" Yelps the friend, back in the car. "That hurts just thinking about it!"
"You're tellin' me!" Ripley concurs.
Little chibi-Ripley's illustrate the following narration, "All that in mind, I do my grooming right before bed to keep my sleeping back clean. Clean your face first to avoid stuff like Pink Eye. Clean from head to toe, leaving armpits and groin for last. Granola and cavities don't mix! Brush those teeth. Give your hardworking feet extra love, they deserve it! Frequently missed areas: Backs of knees. In.out of ears. Belly button. Lower back. (My calves are often so dusty it looks like a suntan!"
Inside the car, a tiny chibi-Ripley announces to their friend, "Lotion is my secret weapon against blisters."
"See? I knew you weren't completely feral." She replies like a proud mom.
Returning to the wild, we see a cross-section inside of a generic person's tent. The person is in a position where they were laying on their back with their feet planted on the ground. They have now raised their butt off the ground, so their only point of contact with the tent floor is their shoulders/arms and their feet. Their hands are scrubbing away at their elevated butt.
The narration explains, "When you get to your crotch, do your best to remove as much salt, debris, and dead skin as possible. I do this in the privacy of my tent, the poses can get pretty silly!"
Back in the car, the friend asks, "So, if this is your routine, why do you still... *stink?*"
Leaning against the half-way open window, Ripley sighs, "Oh, body odor is inevitable. You get used to it."
With the wilderness left behind, their little car is now swallowed up in traffic as it approaches the city.
"Well, for my sake let's get you to a shower as soon as possible! ...once we get through this traffic anyway..." The friend concludes.
Transcribed by Erika Moen August 26, 2024. Help support and make these comics by helping us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OhJoySexToy