If you’d like some more OJST comics on the subjects of pregnancy, contraception, and abortion, you can find them here: Pregnancy, Medical Abortion, Emergency Contraception, IUD, The Pill, The Implant, Miscellaneous Contraceptives (Cervical Barriers, The Patch, The Shot, Spermicide, The Sponge, Vaginal Rings), Condoms, and Internal (“Female”) Condoms.
We did the best we could to cover the essentials in in-clinic abortions, but of course there’s never enough room to include everything you need to know about a subject in our comics, so please do spend some time reading through the list of resources below to gather a much more comprehensive understanding!
Learn More About Abortion
► All About Abortion (Scarleteen)
► How do I get an in-clinic abortion? (Planned Parenthood)
► Surgical Abortion (First Trimester) (University of California San Francisco)
► About Abortion, including Abortion Facts, Patient Stories & more (National Abortion Federation)
► Abortion procedures – surgical (Better Health Channel)Talk to a Real Person
► All-Options: Pregnancy, Parenting, Abortion, Adoption
► (FOR TEENS) Text Scarleteen
► NAF Hotline Fund (National Abortion Federation)Where to Find an Abortion Clinic
► Abortion Services (Planned Parenthood)
► Find A Provider (National Abortion Federation)Debunking Abortion Myths and Misinformation
► Abortion Myths (National Abortion Federation)
► How to (Un)pack for a Real Discussion About Abortion“Crisis Pregnancy Centers” (How to Spot ‘Em!)
► How can I tell crisis pregnancy centers and real reproductive health centers apart? (Planned Parenthood)
► How to Tell a ‘Crisis Pregnancy Center’ from a Legitimate Abortion Clinic (LifeHacker)
► Fake Health Centers (NARAL Pro-Choice America)