Come join me as I explore the Western Australia’s Pups and Handlers‘ first kinky social event of 2025 where friendships were made and a queer community was built. Massive thank-you to WA-PAH for putting on a lovely party! I’ve always felt their welcoming embrace, and I hope this love letter can express my gratitude. Funnily enough, it was an OJST comic from 8 years ago that first piqued my interest in the Pups, and now I’m contributing to the Pups comics catalogue!

Dear reader, if there’s a Pups & Handlers club near you, I’d highly recommend reaching out and attending your local events. First-timers might find socializing difficult, but I’d wager you can say hi to one of the organizers and they’d likely be very happy to introduce you to the scene!

Matt’s Note! Looking for Volume 1? Me too, till I realized that Volume 2 is the name of the event, whoops :D !

Please consider signing up to the Patreon or one of our Socials bellow! Awesome comics like these, take huge amounts of time and are only possible with your financial support!

BETTER YET: just give us a follow, (You can for free on Patreon, too!)

Finally the three cursed socials we’re trying to move away from:
(but we still post to, sorta, kinda, maybe not for much longer…)

↓ Comic Transcript
Kennel Club Vol. 2 by Hien Pham, published March 25, 2025 for

Page 1
Hien Pham illustrates his comic with a simplified realistic style with lovingly rendered hair details that sweep along his characters like waves on the ocean. While the coloring on the figures is more flat, the textures and reflections on their leather, neoprene, and spandex outfits are rendered much more realistically. He uses a full spectrum of colors.

A close-up panel shows two hands rubbing a clear liquid across the chest of a person wearing a tight black tanktop-like fetish top with a zipper going down the middle. The thick latex material reflects the light.

"So... what does this do?" Asks the voice attached to the massaging hands. "Lubing up your suit?"

The next panel pulls back to reveal Hien Pham squirting another splash of lube onto Clay's latex vest. A thick blue strip runs down the side of the top under his armpit, which is exposed because he holds both his hands behind his masked head. The blue dog ears and muzzle of the mask match the stripe on the vest, in addition to yellow accents.

"Oh!" Exclaims Clay, looking downwards at Hien as he works in the lube to his chest. "Silicone lube gives latex its shine!"

Clay's latex-clad belly sparkles in the light as Hien runs a lube-y hand over it. Hien is a Southeast Asian cisgender heavyset man with a short, bushy, black beard, fuzzy body hair, and glasses. He is mostly bald on top, with the rest of his hair pulled back into a proud bun. He wears a cross-back leather harness that connects to his shorts like suspenders.

"It also keeps the suit from drying out and cracking!" Continues Clay as Hien rubs in lube between his thighs. "Plus, it's quite fun and intimate too! Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I definite do think!" Hien replies cheekily with a blush from between Clay's legs.

Another person enters the room carrying their own bottle of lube, asking, "Clay, can you get my back?" The new person wears a sleeveless black top and a thick industrial chain with a padlock around their neck. They have a short, trimmed beard and mustache, with an undercut hairstyle that's shorter on the sides than the top.

"I can do it!" Hien volunteers, holding up his hand which drips lube. "My hands are already slick!"

Narration: Last month, I went to the Western Australia Pups and Handlers' first social even of 2025: Kennel Club Vol. 2!

Page two
Narration: The event was held on a Sunday afternoon on the top floor of Connections Nightclub, the longest-running gay club in the southern hemisphere!

The page is filled with an angled top-down view of a brick building with a transparent roof, revealing the rooms and inhabitants within. The artwork transitions from the realistic style to a simplified, cartoon-y one, depicting all the people as short chibi versions of themselves. Many people wear fetish pup masks, which are a very stylized, almost cartoonish kind of hood made of a thick material like leather, neoprene, or spandex-- they are not realistic to real dogs at all and there is no fur on them.

Throughout the building, the various areas are labeled:
-Terrace and smoking area!
-Performance and announcement stage! (part of the outdoor terrace, with disco balls)
-Little hide-away cuddle cove with cushy seats!
-Charcuterie boards with lollies and snacks!
-Open bar!
-Padded mosh area with dog toys!
-Informal changing room and bag drop.

One chibi person without a hood on checks their phone while sitting on the terrace while two hooded people dance. Inside the cuddle cove, a couple dances- one wearing a mask and the other bare-faced but wearing their 2023 Mr. Bear titleholder sash with orange, yellow, white, and black color squares. A hooded person on their knees gleefully chomps on a tennis ball in the padded mosh area, while other folks mill about the rest of the building areas. In the kitchen area, the International Puppy & Trainer Contest titleholder parties in a blue leather sash and a black, yellow, and orange pup hood.

Page three
The art reverts back to Hien's more realistic style on this page.

Narration: There was no show, no exhibition. This was simply a space where like-minded folks could wear gear, and enjoy each other's queer company.

"Aroo! Good to see you!" Greats a person in an orange pup hood, wearing their regular human glasses over the mask. They have a matching thick orange collar around their neck and an open blue button-down shirt revealing their bare chest and belly beneath. Affectionately, they nudge Hien's shoulder with their muzzle.

"Good to se you too!" Replies Hien who is cooling himself with a pleated purple hand fan. "How are you going?"

Narration: The crowd welcomed pups and handlers, as well as allies and all those curious.

A glimpse of the party-goers are shown talking with each other. One person has bushy hair, a hoop pierced ear, a green thick collar, and a black fetish vest. They talk with a person in a giant mascot tiger head and paws and another person with long brown hair, latex top, and pink furry kitty ears.

Narration: There was a variety of kinky equipment on display: leather, rubber, latex, the lot! Many were in everyday clothes, too!

A variety of fetish accoutrements are worn by partygoers, including colorful strap-on silicone tails (that look like they may double as penetration toys, perhaps?) and a blue leather flogger that's clipped to a belt.

Narration: The atmosphere was whimsical and affectionate. It wasn't hard to find yourself in casual conversations about any given niche that makes someone tick.

Two people bump their muzzles together, nose-to-nose. On wears a full brown, yellow, and black pup mask leaving only their bushy brown top hair and beard tumbling out from the top and bottom. The other person wears just a muzzle over their nose and mouth that is made of dark and light blue, with a light blue collar around their neck to match.

In the background, a person in a black, purple, and yellow full pup hood chats with Hien.

" I tied a simple cuff, then got them on their knees, and pulled their hands toward their feet!" The person explains to Hien, bumping their purple-cuffed wrists together to illustrate their point.

"That's free real estate for wedgies right there!" Hien replies, confidently bapping his shoulder with his closed fan.

Now fluttering his fan in front of his face, the narration reads, "The demographic skewed younger than the Bears I was used to, and sometimes, when the music got too loud, my social anxiety got in my head, and I felt so incredibly out of place."

Page Four
Narration: A skill I've learned over the years is how to find a good quiet corner to recharge in.

Hien sits down into an empty couch, fanning himself. Partially drained glasses and snacks sit in the foreground.

Narration: Somewhere I can close my eyes, hold my hands, and sit with my feelings for a little while.

Hien takes a calming breath with his eyes closed.

Narration: Oftentimes, friends and folks looking for the same peace and quiet would come over to join me.

From Hien's point of view, we see his hands in his lap, with his closed fan resting on the top of his left leg. One hand tightly squeezes his other hand's thumb until a voice interrupts-

The camera pulls back again to reveal a short-haired blonde person with a busy mustache sitting down on the couch's backrest to look down at Hien.

"You okay?" The blonde person asks jovially.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Replies Hien, suddenly pulled back to reality.

Narration: I've been trying to shift from dwelling on my anxiety to acknowledging how people have made an active effort to be in my company. When it works, that little change in mindset helps center me back into the present.

Now with enthusiasm, Hien invites his friend to "Come sit and cuddle with me!"

"Okay!" The friend agrees, sliding down to sit with Hien.

Page Five
A full mask in dark and light brown pops up between Hien and his friend from behind the couch.
"What are you guys talking about?" The new pup asks, throwing their arms over the shoulders of Hien and his friend.

"Oh hello!" Chirps the blonde person in their open black leather vest and bare chest exposed beneath.

"The Substance!" Hien answers the new person's question. "Have you seen? It's so good!"

Narration: I'm so grateful for these events that remove pressure, expectations, and shame from queer existence.

A person in a fantastical dragon-type red and black hood offers up a platter of fancy drinks (or... some kind of ice cream scoops over ice?) to a person in a rainbow colored muzzle and a leather crown with stripes in Pups Pride flag colors of white, blue, and black.

"Shark-bari!" Shouts a muzzled person in another area of the party as Hien proudly displays his stuffed shark that is bound up in shibari ropes.

Narration: These spaces build communities when we need to stand together the most. In celebration, and persistence.

Narration: I might not fancy myself a pup or a handler, at least not yet...

Hien and some partygoers pose as a voice calls from off-panel, "Three, two, one-"

"AROOO!!" Howls the trio as they flex and strike a pose for the photographer.

Narration: But getting to witness my friends' joy feels no less than a privilege.

"You're off?" Asks a friend in a full pup hood as they hug Hien.

"Yeah, I'm so tired..." Hien groggily replies.

Narration: Kennel Club filled my heart to the brim, and I cannot wait for the next event in May!

In a conga line, chibi-fied versions of Hien and two more friends run to the edge of the page, arranged tallest to shortest (Hien).

"Let's get dumplings!" Declares the tallest friend.

"Yas!!" Hien concurs, leading the line.
Transcribed by Erika Moen on March 24, 2025 for