Screencap of John Oliver talking on his show, Last Week Tonight, next to a giant copy of LET'S TALK ABOUT IT, the teen sex and relationship book that Matthew Nolan and Erika Moen made.
So many heartfelt thank-yous to John Oliver and his team for featuring our book, Let’s Talk About It, on Last Week Tonight’s coverage of public libraries.

(Season 11, Episode 10. Our mention starts around the 12 minute mark)

As fans of John Oliver’s show for a decade now, it would be an understatement to say that we were stunned to discover our work on screen next to him. There may have been some tears while hearing him defend our work, but I’ll never admit it. (There were. There were tears.) It means so much to see him going to bat not just for our book, but fellow graphic novel Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe as well.

Thank you to John Oliver for making us laugh all these years and for keeping us informed of the nuance in complicated matters. Even more, thank you to the dedicated librarians who are working so hard to serve their communities even when it is a battle. We appreciate you. We owe you a coffee. Or ten.
