Erika caught a real bad bug and JUST as she turned the corner we hit Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC). We made it, we survived, but, as you might imagine, we are exhausted and behind on all our workkkkkk. Thankfully the AMAZING Kelly Bastow is here saving the day with a really lovely and personal comic on going to her first munch – a term used for a kink community lunch. Kelly’s been on OJST before with ANOTHER visually stunning, adorable and honest collection of short comics. Check em out here!
We don’t have all that many links for you this week if you ARE interested in attending a Munch, Kelly found hers through Fetlife, and the only Munch’s Erika and I have ever gone to where found through Suicide Girls (back in the early 2000s), or FetLife also. So… start with FetLife and see where it takes you? In a pinch, maybe reach out to local sexy-spaces (An amazing nearby feminist toy store for example) that hold events and see if they know the scoop on which forums are holding the listings.
ECCC is ovvvvver. A bagillion hours on our feet, hustling and talking with SO many wonderful people. Wow, what a convention!
I don’t think we’ll be capable of speech for a few days, but both of use feel recharged in different ways. We had so many lovely connections with so many of you – thank you if you came out and supported us with a kind word or your wallet, it all meant so much to us both.
On a personal note: thank you for all the interest in our lovely Alabama! A ton of you made inquiries as to whether or not she’s still for sale – and she IS! We’re still taking emails for those of you serious in giving her a forever home.