Hey gang! Kurt and Murray are here to get down to the basics with everyone’s favorite sexy-time supply: LUBE! At least, it SHOULD be everyone’s favorite. So much of the sexy media we’re exposed to focuses on how moist someone’s panties get, or how much they leak, or how sloppy they fuck. And I get it, that stuff can be fricken hot, but real life can and often is a lot drier. There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that! Life is short! Grab that lube! Go wild, perverts!!
Matthew’s Added NoteChiming in here at the end to encourage you to come follow us on one of our newer socials ;D
BETTER YET: just give us a follow (for free) on Patreon (or heck, become a fully fledged supporter and know you’re helping keep the site afloat during this tough year.)
Finally the three socials we’re trying to move away from
(but we still post to while we can):
(I’m also still on the hunt for a sub-reddit poster/moderator for OJST, Ping me!)
Ripley LaCross illustrates this comic with a bouncy, cartoony style and a limited color palette of gray-blues, black, white, pink, and maroon.
"Hey there, perverts! I'm Murray!" Greets a Muppet-esque hand puppet who is sitting atop a brick wall. Only a sliver of the arm of the puppeteer is visible behind them. They are a pale pink with big ping pong ball-sized eyes, three black hairs erupting off the top of their football-shaped head, and sporting a short-sleeved maroon shirt with a black collar, which they wear Donald Duck style (no pants) with their thin little legs dangling over the side of the wall.
"and I'm Kurt!" Adds a white puppet with a mop of pink hair and a big egg-shaped pink nose. They are holding hands with Murray on the wall, and likewise have just a hint showing of the arm of their puppeteer. They wear a long sleeve pink shirt with a V-neck and, unlike Murray, wear black pants with maroon shoes. They continue, "Today we'd like to gush about one of our favorite subjects!"
Caption: Welcome to...
Gloopy, drippy letters spell out, "LUBE 101"
"But first!" Murray announces, now moving through the air with the forearm of their puppeteer discreetly in view. "What even is lube?"
Caption: LUBRICANT (lube): a substance that helps to reduce friction between surfaes in mutual contact.
Tossing a fried egg in a frying pan, Kurt adds, "Lube is used for all sorts of stuff! Like keeping your doors squeak-free! Or those expensive eggs from sticking to the pan!" The arm of Kurt's puppeteer is just barely visible before it disappears off to the side of the page.
"But our favorite kind of lube is SEXUAL LUBRICANT!" Says Murray as they co-lift a giant bottle of squirting lube overhead with Kurt. "Not only does it feel great, but lube also reduces the chances of breaking condoms!"
"And lowers the risk of tears and fissures, and therefore STIs! It just makes everything better!" Finishes Kurt.
Page Two
Playfully, Murray hauls a brimming pail labeled "LUBE!" from outside the boundaries of the panel, preparing to chuck it at their companion. "All right Kurt, open wide! Lube incoming!"
"But Murray!" Kurt frets. "They don't even know about all the different kinds of lubes out there!"
In silhouette, we see Murray toss the bucket aside as they exclaim, "WHAT?! Let's fix that!"
The page fills with light blue panels, serving as informational cards.
Caption: Water-Based
-Most popular and easiest to find.
-Cleans up fast!
-Available in thick and thin consistencies.
-Simple ingredients make it gentle on your skin,
A tube squeezes out lube onto Murray's speech balloon, which reads, "If it gets tacky, a spritz of water will slick it up again!" To demonstrate, they use a petit mister bottle to spray a light spritz of water onto the lube dripping off their balloon and pooling on the ground.
Caption: Silicone
-Water-resistant & long-lasting!
-Ideal for anal.
-Difficult to clean up and stains fabric.
-Can sometimes melt cheap silicone toys, do a spot test!
Kurt depresses the head nozzle on a partially filled bottle, dispensing lube in a stream onto their word balloon, which reads, "We like putting pump tops on our lube! They come free with most hand sanitizers!"
Caption: Hybrid/Silk
-Water-based with traces of silicone.
-Longer lasting than water.
-Mid-tier cleanup, but can still stain fabrics.
-Some brands are safe for silicone toys, check the manufacturer!
An upside down bottle dispenses a stream of lube that floods across the bottom of the page, overlapping into the next panel.
Caption: Look for as few ingredients as possible. Slip away from these!
Within lube-y dollops are the words, "Fragrances, Parabens, 'Botanicals', Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, 'Essential Oils'".
Caption: Some makers hide, rename, or use vague terms for ingredients. When in doubt, look it up!
Page Three
Murray erupts from behind a blue panel, like a whale breaching the ocean surface. Strings of lube fly off their outstretched arms as they announce, "Some lubes have a little more character! Use these ones with caution!
Each following section is contained in its own light blue informational card.
Title: Oils
-Made from coconut, sunflower, cocoa, avocado, and more.
-For use with polyurethane, nitrile, and lambskin condoms only.
-Ultra long-lasting.
-Water resistant!
Murray reclines, propped up on one arm, in the center of this info card, showing off the gaping entrance between their legs where the puppeteer's hand would go if it were there right now. With their free hand, they confidently adjust their heart-shaped sunglasses that have appeared out of nowhere while flirtatiously adding, "Drill, baby, drill!"
Caption: Oils are great for anal and some can double as massage oils. But be wary if you have nut allergies! They can also upset the vagina's natural pH levels, and possibly degrade silicone and plastic toys. Use with care!
Title: Flavored
-For oral stimulation only.
-Contain sugars and artificial flavors.
Icons of cherries, a watermelon slice, a strawberry, a peach, and a circular lollipop with swirl in the center are haloed with lube, some of which connects to each other with a lube-y strand. Kurt looks disappointedly at a blue lube-y phallus in their hands, with a telltale drop of lube trailing from their mouth. "This doesn't taste at all like banana..." They say dejectedly.
Caption: Keep these above the belt, the extra ingredients are a recipe for vaginal irritation or even infection!
Title: Moisturizing Lotions
Caption: Perfect for handies and massages!
A jaunty bottle of ube with a push-top slides along a lube trail that stretches across the info card.
-Contain oils and alcohols.
-For external, dermal (that's your skin) use only.
"If your dongle is going near anyone's dingle, just use actual lube." A chibi-fied head of Murray adds in the corner.
Title: "Cum" Lubes
Caption: Got a breeding kink? Combine cum lubes with an ejaculating dildo and go wild! But be wary of extra ingredients!
Kurt and Murray sit on a ledge in the middle of the info card, cheering as a blue phallus erupts with a spout of fluid that is furnished from the cum-container that connects to it with a tube that Murray holds.
-Thick and goopy.
-Resembles semen for an immersive experience.
-Contain cornstarch and/or titanium dioxide.
Title: CBD./THC Infused
Caption: Cannabis lubes come with a lot of health claims but we found few lube-specific studies to back them up. Use these at your own risk!
Little blue icons of marijuana leaves dot the info card. In the center of the page, the puppeteers arm holds Murray aloft as they mime pulling their "pants" pockets inside out (Remember, Murray does not actually have any pants on) and moths and dollar signs fly out as they explain, "They're also REALLY expensive! Puppets are made of felt, not money!"
-Can be water or oil-based.
Page Four
Title: Warming/Cooling
-Available in water, silicone, and hybrid blends.
-Contain capsaicin, L-Arginine, peppermint, and.or menthol for an "extra spicy" experience.
Clad in a firefighter's helmet, Kurt uses a fire extinguisher to blast a raging fire that's erupted in the center of the info card as they explain, "If by 'extra spicy' you mean 'Literally feels like you have an infection.'"
Title: Desensitizing
-Contain local anesthetics like benzocaine & lidocaine to reduce sensation.
-Similar sprays exist for deep throating.
Murray sits in a puddle of lube, pointing in horror at their little legs stretched out before them, yelling, "I can't feel my legs!"
Caption: Often meant to help with Premature Ejaculation, these are usually marketed to make anal "easier." But they number your body's ability to say "STOP!" Use with extreme caution.
The info card background explodes into a watery slosh, with the title reading "So, how do you even use this stuff?"
A tiny Murray hauls out their Pail O'Lube, announcing, "Grab your lube of choice, we've got a lot to cover!" Kurt leads the way with an enormous bottle of lube over their head, the both of these mini puppets racing towards a set of giant, more realistically drawn human bottom ends that are being serviced by lubed up hands. One bottom is shown bent over from behind, their penis mid-thrust into another body while a lube-y hand presses one finger into their exposed butt hole. The other bottom shows someone reclining on their back and using their own hand to stroke and slide along their lube-y vulva.
In a caption box made of lube, the text reads: If everything's staying on the outside, a few drops will go a long way! But for penetration, cover the entire surface area of your tool of choice. Don't forget to lube up in and around the entrance of wherever that tool is going!
Two sets of floating hands demonstrate lubing up toys. One hand pumps lube from a bottle onto a phallus, which the other hand spreads across it by rubbing it top to bottom. The other hand set shows a hand turning the base of a butt plug so that the bulbous head rotates through the puddle of lube in the other hand.
Caption: You can use as much as you like, but too much can actually reduce sensation. So start light and work your way up from there. Pro tip! Silicone toys require more lube, glass and metal need less.
Back in the light blue info card, Murray massages the back and butt of the still fully-clothed Kurt (Who still has a whole lubed up hand and arm inserted up through their bottom area. Somehow, this is actually kind of discreet?)
"How ya doing, darling?" Murray asks.
"Slick as a whistle!" Cheerfully replies Kurt.
Caption: Pay attention to how it feels and sounds to figure out your sweet spot. Communicate with your partner and don't be shy about reapplying! Folks with vaginas, as always, urinate immediately after sex. More fluids = the farther bacteria spreads. Folks who are puppets, dry-clean only.
Page Five
Kurt's puppeteer withdraws their hand from their opening, pulling out a soggy letter envelope.
"Look, Kurt! We've got fanmail!" Exclaims Murray.
Murray and Kurt's faces drop as the text of the letter fills the panel, fading out as it scrolls down. Some of the text reads, "Dear Kurt and Murray: What's the deal with all this lube chatter? Don't you guys know we make our own natural lube?? You're OBVIOUSLY doing it WRONG. All you gotta do is get them all nice and warmed up and stick your fingers... swirl... until they... wet..."
"I'll take it from here, fellas." Announces a voice from off panel, only their fingerless-gloved hand showing as it takes the soggy letter from the puppets.
"Oh, hi Ripley!" Murray chirps.
Ripley, the more realistically drawn human, stands in full glory behind the waist-high brick wall from the opening page. They have a messy undercut, glasses, and a smattering of facial hair. Their sleeveless jacket is covered in pins and patches, their black t-shirt accentuated by a tight ball-linked necklace. Kurt and Murray sit on either side of them, with Ripley's hands supportively cupping them around their midsections.
Cocking an eyebrow, Ripley announces, "Alright you perverts, listen up. Someone's ability to get 'wet' is super personal and depends on a whole lot of factors."
"Stuff like hydration, meds, stress, age, diet, and more!" Shrugs Murray.
Ripley continues, "So associating it with arousal or performance just sets you up for a bummer time."
"And why do that when lube is super fun!" Cheers Kurt.
The three take a running slide across a streak of lube across the width of the page, like a Slip'n'Slide from the 90s.
In a surfer stance, Ripley concludes, "We gotta slide past all these hang-ups! Grab a bottle and get slippery, y'all!" while Kurt and Murray zip ahead on their butt and tummy, shrieking in delight.
Transcribed by Erika Moen on Feb 17, 2025