Dear Perverts, I’m as sick as a dog! Too many conventions this past month has landed me with a wicked cold, so I’ve fallen behind on reviews. Lucy Bellwood has luckily come to my rescue with this amazing rope bondage comic. She is the greatest!

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Here’s Lucy’s blog post to go with the comic:

Hey OJST Readers!

I wish I had more room in the comic to tell you all the neat stuff there is to know about rope bondage, but fortunately for you there are many fabulous resources both in print and on the web for your further edification! My thanks to Charles and Olivia for their invaluable modeling and research assistance. Read on:

Tutorials: Two Knotty Boys, Twisted Monk, Tying It All Together, Crash Restraint, Ropetopia

Reference Books: Shibari You Can Use, Two Knotty Boys, Doug Kent’s Complete Shibari, Jay Wiseman’s Erotic Bondage HandbookThe Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage

Vendors: Twisted Monk

And if you’d like to hear more from me, head over to TwitterTumblrFacebook, or my homepage for more comics and updates.

Happy knotting!

↓ Comic Transcript
Page 1
The comic opens with Lucy Bellwood, a cis female, comic artist, and adventurer extraordinary self-drawn as a sailer hanging in the rigging of a boat.
'Hi Everyone! I'm Lucy Bellwood. Normally I draw comics about being a tall ship sailor, but today I'll be talking about Rope Bndage!'
'Kind of the same right?'

A subtitle appears: 'Rope is a fantastic and versatile tool. You can use it for....
We see 4 panels depicting multiple different uses;
Suspension - a handing finger gleefully hands upside down.
Restriction - a pair of hands is bound.
Decoration - a muscular person's chest is decorated.
Function - a person wearing a rope harness, equipped with a unicorn-horn style dong!

Lucy is back in a wide panel, holding some rope that stretches across the page.
'It's a simple item (no cords or batteries). But its possibilities are boundless (getdit?)

Page 2
Lucy is standing with her finger lifted up and an exclamation above her as she lays out the education.
'A few tips about supplies and safety before we begin.'
Floating narration and education appear:
'There are many types of rope, each with its own pros and cons.

Here are some common choices
- Cheap and easy to find
- Washable
- You can dye it pretty colors!

- Holds knots very well
- Rough texture
- Lovely earthy scent

- Sleek and smooth
- Doesn't hold Knots so well
- Won't Kink up!

As with any sexual adventure communication is KEY in bondage'
We're shown an assortment of overlapping wordballons all depicting small conversations and questions. I'm a lazy transcriber so here are just a few:
'Would you tie my arms behind my back? How's this? Can we try...'

We switch to a panel, that has one hanging figure all tied up and the other moderating and gauging the scene.
'Make sure to ask if your partner has any injuries or anxieties
'Watch out for my shoulder okay?'
'of course.''

A lightning blot tricks across the next panel with the narration superimposed above it
'Despite your best intentions you never know when a tie will go wrong or you'll need to free your partner in a hurry.

We see a poor soul trapped in rigging and below them a questioning dom
'Are you SURE it's meant to look like this?'

We're shown some safety scissors and rescue hooks
'Safety scissors or rescue hooks are a must for cutting rope in emergencies.'

Page 3
Lucy reappears in a circular bubble
'But let's get on with the ties! I am primarily a solo practitioner when it comes to rope, so I favor ties that give a slight feeling of restraint without being too limiting. (I also just LOVE the way boobs look in rope. This harness is simple, sexy, and surprisingly useful.'
Title; Karada (tortoise shell harness)
You'll need at least 30' of rope and a body! (your own or a willing partner's).

1 - we see a hoop!
'Find the center of your rope and tie a knot leaving a loop large enough to fit over your head with 4-6" to spare.

2 - A body with a sort of noose on it, that goes down and over the crotch - hard to describe, to be honest!
'Slip the loop over your head, so the knot rests above the sternum. Tie another 3-4 knots, evenly spaced.

3- Wer're shown the back of a body at the neck level, the rope is comic back to the hoop around the neck.. sort of.
' Pas the rope between your legs and bring the ends through the back of the neck loop. Tie an overhand knot.

4 - we see a chest with a spiderweb of ties - I have no idea how to describe it...
'Pass the two ends around the front of your body, twist them through the space between the knots.

5- a tied-up person spins around...
'PAss the lines around your backcrossing them and repeat in the next space dow

6- a little crotch surrounded by ropes. I'm sorry I'm not doing it visual justice!
'Continue until all the diamonds are open, then tie off below the last knot.

7 - we see a small person checking out their handy work in the mirror
" hot damn!"
'Revel in your sexy badass self.

the final panel depicts the final look - it's cool - and I have ZERO idea how to describe it - I'm sorry fam.

Page 4
Lucy pulls back a curtain to reveal a tiny Lucy in public!
'Remember rope doesn't have to stay in the bedroom!'
Most harnesses can be worn under clothing for the illicit thrill.

Lucy cocks her eyebrow
'I could be wearing one right now... laaaaadies'

Lucy magically floats some rope in her hands
'ANYWAY. I wish I had time to show you some more tips and ties...

She springs away and presents a small Erika Moen
'But we should really get back to our regularly scheduled programming.'

Lucy ends the whole comic with some Tarzan syle swing-away...
'I've included some resources below for those of you who want to learn more.
Thanks for reading! I'll see you around!'

Today's comic was transcribed by Matthew Nolan on Decemer 1st 2023, more than TEN years after the comic was drawn - WHAT!
Matthew has no idea what he's doing when it comes to transcription but tried his best, and hoped you enjoyed it enough to go find Lucys' other works at