The subject of Manual Sex is quite the handful! With our limited space, Matt and I could only provide the briefest introduction to the various methods and protections you can employ, but don’t worry: You can dive so much deeper following the links below. The keen observer will note that a good number of them go to Scarleteen. If you find this information useful or you just generally want to support comprehensive sex education, throw ‘em a buck or two, dude.
What “Counts” As Sex?
Ok, so first up, here are some resources on what “counts” as sex, what you can expect, what you can catch, and how to protect yourself as much as possible.
Oral sex, manual sex, anal sex…what’s it all mean, jellybean? on Scarleteen
What the heck does “sexually active” mean? on Scarleteen
Why does getting fingered feel better than sex? on Scarleteen
Manual Sex Safety
How To: Have Safe Manual Sex on The Condom Depot
How To: Safe Manual Sex on Spicy Gear Blog
I didn’t feel a thing with fingering: is there something wrong with me? on Scarleteen
Fingering (for vulvas)
How To Touch A Woman & Finger Her Vagina, In 8 Beginner Steps on Bustle
How To Finger A Woman To Make Her Orgasm With JUST Your Hands on Your Tango
Fingering (for butts)
(Video!) This Is How You Finger A Man’s Butt by DaveyWaveyRaw
The Beginner’s Guide to Butt Play on LifeHacker
12 Anal Foreplay Tips for Beginners on Cosmopolitan
Butt Fingering 101 on Persephone Magazine
(Video!) Jiz Lee on Fisting Tips by Sex is Back
Fisting Day by Jiz Lee
Queer Porn meets Sex Ed in CrashPad’s Guide to Fisting on CrashPad
A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Fisting on Cosmopolitan
Anal Fisting – Learning the Basics on Deviance and Desire
The 10 Best Hand Job Tips To Remember Next Time You Want To Take Him For A Ride on Bustle
How To Give A Good Hand Job, According To A Man on Bustle