MerMAN. Cough-cough. MERMAN!

Hot damn, EVERYbody we work with stocks and rates the NŌS! And For good reason: Fun Factory know how to make ’em. Every toy they come up with feels like a celebration of sex and an invitation to play. Ok, so maybe, the NŌS didn’t hit Erika and me hard, and maybe we’re not in love with it, but it only feels that way because vibrating cock rings don’t ‘fit’ into the ways we like to have sex. Our sex lives just felt incompatible with this lovely little hoop.

Puttin’ on our reviewer googles (and taking a deeper dive); I think this is maybe the best vibrating cock ring I’ve tried yet?! And I’ve gotten emails from a lot of you looking for rings JUST like this one. But, at $99? is it worth it? I’m not sure. Really depends on you.

Everybody stocks this hooped treat! So I’m listing the whole fam!

Buy from our Friends (with Benefits)!

Coupons to use at checkout!

Early To Bed - 10% off - OHJOY
Lovehoney - 15% off - AFF-OHJOY
PleasureChest - 15% off - OJST
Stockroom - 15% off - OHJOY
TwistedMonk - Free USA shipping - OHJOY
And, finally while we much prefer and encourage you to buy from small business, here's Amazon...

News Continued!

Following last week’s little bit of news (at the bottom of the blog post): We’re still plotting and planning for the future. Erika’s set on moving onto new projects and we’re trying to see what we can do to make sure she can exit from the site and remain financially afloat. There are SO many options floating around and we still don’t know what it means for the site in the long run. There’s a chance I try to keep it going with its own Patreon? Maybe fortnightly and just with guests? There’s a chance I try to find a real job to work again in one of the (comics? toys? health? sex education? porn sites?) industries I’ve become an expert in. Or maybe even turn what has been a private in-my-spare-time art hobby into a moneymaker. It’s strange to be in a position where there are no SOLID choices and too many hard options to pick from. It’s strange to think we’ll need to start the hustle all over again. Change is always so scary! But, I’m determined to remain positive and hopeful!

As last time; if you’re looking to send us support during this change, consider the Patreon (then stay tuned for when we might switch it to monthly). And if you’ve got a brilliant idea or a spare $100k in your pocket: reach out to me.