Dearest Perverts, we’re so pumped to announce that Fleshlight has teamed up with us to give our patrons on Patreon my favorite model, the O’Doyle’s Sex-in-a-Can! (Erika butting in here: After, like, his third Fleshlight review where he mourned the discontinuation of the O’Doyles, Fleshlight very kindly reached out to us and offered to send over a handful of their remaining copies of that model just for us to giveaway to our patrons.)
Here’s how it works:
1) Be a patron on Patreon (amount doesn’t matter!)
2) Sign up for the giveaway here.
3) The first three weeks of November, we’ll randomly pick a new winner each week.
4) Winners’ Fleshlights will ship out the first week of December, after their pledges have been processed.
It’s hard not to be excited about this! We hope you folks won’t find the giveaway rules too rigid, we think we’re being firm but fair. Good luck! Competition will be stiff!