Clar Hart shares their autobio story about discovering theirself through reading Rom’Com’s! Just loveeeely. Reading Exploding Lobster Comics has been a real long time internet pleasure of mine, and I’m so happy to have a snippit of their work on the site. I can’t recommend their work enough!
Here’s our book category if you want some reading recommendations!
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Today's autobiographical comic is about Clar Hart. They are self described at nonbinary with they/them pronouns. Visually, they're a plump, stubby redhead with a lavender shirt.
Standing at a giant open treasure chest piled high with books, Clar says in surprise, "You won this? A whole treasure chest of romance books?"
Their friend is draped over a couch, reading a book. "Yeah, want one?"
"I couldn't." Clar says, though clearly they are wrestling with this decision.
"Suit yourself." Their friend says as they put on their backpack and leave.
Clar waits for their friend to leave and then nervously tucks one of the books into their own backpack.
Nervously, Clar zips out with their prized book buried in their backpack.
Narration: Romance books were out, and proud of it.
Image: a spread of sexy book covers featuring an assortment of couples and singles in revealing clothing.
"Whatchya reading?" the friend from before asks Clar, who anxiously replies, "Nothing!" as they reveal to the viewer that they are reading their romance novel which is hidden behind their math book.
Narration: I... wasn't.
Narration: I was following the only path I knew, not knowing there could be others.
While walking hand-in-hand with a companion, Clar looks back over their shoulder at another couple holding hands and walking in the opposite direction.
Narration: It was only during the pandemic that I started to ask myself: in a world where the impossibly bad had become commonplace, why couldn't I believe in impossibly good?
The viewer is shown the outside of a grey apartment building with silhouettes of people separated from each other in their windows. Clar sits inside their grey apartment on their grey couch, cocooned in a grey-blue blanket and looking terrified. They look at their green backpack leaning against the couch before reaching inside to pull out the vibrantly colored romance book they had stolen earlier. It features two people with lots cleavage and sparkly flowing princess dresses who are holding hands.
Page 4
Across a rainbow montage a variety of couples in all different skin tones and gender combinations happily post with each other, hearts radiating around them.
Narration: Rugby players date professors. Cover models marry booksellers. Princes fall in love with presents' sons.
Reclining on their now-rainbowed colored couch and surrounded by piles of brightly-colored books, Clar reads vibrant book with a smile.
Narration: Maybe a little escapism could take me exactly where I need to go.
Page 5
Outside in the fresh air Clar walks on grass quite happily, hugging a romance book to their chest. They're wearing a different hair cut and time seems to have passed.
While sitting on a bus and reading, a person with long red hair and wearing a blue shirt sits next to them, eyeing the book in Clar's hands.
"Whatchya reading?" the new person asks.
"It's so good!" Exclaims Clar. "There's this-"
A montage ensues, showing these two across different scenes. They talk about their respective romance books, they get drinks at a coffee shop, they tentatively holds hands.
Narration: Romance books helped me find myself and let myself be found...
"I have something I think you'll enjoy." Clar says lustily while embracing their companion who looks back at them flirtatiously.
Together they sit by the original treasure chest of romance books, both of them surrounded by stacks of books and happily curled up with their own respective books.
Narration: ...and create treasures of our own.
Todays comic was by Clar Hart - Instagram.com/ExplodingLobsterComics
Transcribed by Erika Moen 5/6/24 for https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/romcom-ing-out-clar-hart/
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