Christine Suggs tells us the story of who they are and what their body has meant to them over the years! A lovely beat-by-beat play of growth and exploration and most importantly (I think) kindness for oneself. That final panel just hits so hard!
I hope you all love it as much as we do and go tell Christine how fantastic they are!
Hoping you all had a lovely Valentine’s! Erika and I sat in and ate reheated Ikea meatballs… the perfect night ;D
↓ Comic Transcript
Seeing My Body As Nonbinary by Christine Suggs
Published February 15, 2022 on Oh Joy Sex Toy
page 1
Christine Suggs is a nonbinary, fat cartoonist who draws in a simple-line, brightly colored cartoony style. The palette of the comic is shades of blues and pinks, with Christine's skin tone a sandy-peach color.
Narration: I've always had a complicated relationship with my body.
Image: A young Christine with indigo blue/black chin-length bob pokes at their belly while standing before a round mirror. The background is blue and they wear a pink t-shirt and pants.
Narration: But then I discovered body positivity through Instagram and various podcasts. I learned about intuitive eating, joyful movement, and most importantly, that it was possible to be both FAT & HAPPY (Last two words written in pink balloon-y letters).
Image: A hot pink background showcases a blue yoga mat, blue copy of the book "Health at EVERY SIZE" by Linda Bacon, and a blue iPhone with plug-in earbuds.
Narration: It also took years of therapy, but eventually I realized that my body is good, and I am more than my body.
"Phew!" Exhales the adult Christine, who is sitting against a peachy-pink background, leaning on one arm. They wear a light blue sports bra and indigo-black pants that match their shaved-on-the-sides-and-spikey-on-top crop of hair. "It's okay to be fat!"
Narration: As I learned to love my body, I learned to love myself, even the parts of myself I was afraid of. I came out as bisexual and my fashion sense quickly evolved to match my newfound queerness.
Image: Six different incarnations of Christine stand against a light blue background.
Christine 1, standing awkwardly and looking down: Shaggy, chin-length hair, zipped-up indigo-black jumper, blue jeans, and blue-black sneakers.
Christine 2 stands a little more confidently, striking a bit of a coy pose: Shaggy short hair, blue t-shirt, black-blue tighter jeans, blue sneakers.
Christine 3 Looks surprised at their own outfit: Very short hair, pink slip-on shoes, and a short white sleeveless summer dress with blue stripes.
Christine 4 stands waving at us, looking content: Short hair, white sleeveless blouse with collar, long pink skirt, and blue fancy shoes with tiny heels.
Christine 5 Stands super confidently, hands on hips, legs in a strong stance: Pink crop of hair on top, shaved on the sides. They wear a pink jumpsuit and black-blue sneakers.
Christine 6 is in the middle of a hopping pose, landing on one foot with the other leg bent behind them. They make the V sign with their fingers, looking delighted. They longer crop of pink hair on top of their head is off-set by the shaved sides. They wear a bright pink sleeveless jumper-like suit and blue sandals.
Narration: I started trying things that would have been way too scary in the past.
Image: Against a deep pink background, a hand holds up an electric shaver. Locks of blue-black hair fall to the ground in the next panel, against a salmon-pink background.
"I look so..." Christine looks in delight and amazement at their reflection in a bright blue room. "CUTE!!"
Page 3
Narration: I changed my appearance more and more, chasing this strange feeling that eventually I'd come to identify as gender euphoria. I felt POWERFUL, QUEER, BRAVE, confident.
Image: Against a salmon-pink backdrop, various incarnations of Christine float in different poses. Some of them are fully nude, showing their belly stretchmarks, unshaved legs, and mermaid leg tattoo. Their hair length and style changes across the scene. Articles of blue clothing float around with them.
"More jumpsuits!" A tiny Christine in overalls exclaims.
Narration: I wore so many crop tops, proudly flaunting my belly and boobs in a way I could never have dreamed of when I was younger.
Image: In a blue grocery store, a masked Christine pushes a shopping cart. Their blue-black mask matches their crop top, and contrasts against their hot pink bottoms.
Narration: But even as I got more and more comfortable showing my body, I felt less and less like it was a woman's body. The label of "woman" was like a shirt that didn't fit anymore.
Image: A salmon-colored shirt sits over a light pink background.
Page 4
Narration: Eventually I came out as genderqueer/nonbinary and transgender. Basically, I don't identify as either a man or a woman. When someone sees me, I want them to think: "they're queer!"
"And hot!" Confidently adds Christine, who is reclining seductively on the bright pink floor, against a light blue background.
Narration against a pale pink-peach background: A lot of trans and nonbinary narratives in the media focus on dysphoria* and the medical transition some trans and nonbinary people seek to alleviate that feeling. But I didn't experience dysphoria in that way.
*The sometimes very intense feeling of your gender identity not matching up with your body.
Narration: For a while I felt like I wasn't trans enough because I don't want to alter my body.
In a blue room, Christine sits on a peach couch fretting as they ask, "Maybe I'm just doing this for attention?? what if it's just a phase? I bought a binder, but I don't want top surgery. Is that okay? It's not like I have real dysphoria, I just like playing with gender!" The text "internalized transphobia" points to them.
Page 5
"But following queer and nonbinary fat people online reminds me that trans people can look like anyone!" Christine says with bright pink stars in their eyes as they admire several other fully nude people. They are all in a salmon colored space with one person who has orange-y brown skin, small breasts, a round tummy, thick thighs, and long flowing black-blue hair that swoops down to their tummy. Another person has chestnut brown skin, a swoop of short blue-black hair, facial hair stubble, hair over their chest, forearms, and belly. They have salmon-pink scars over their pectoral muscles. A third person with pale beige skin sits in a blue wheelchair demurely with their wavey blue hair flowing around them.
Narration: Now when I look in the mirror, I see my body for what it is: a fat, soft, and powerful vessel. It's a nonbinary body, complete with [arrows point from the following words, indicating these body parts on Christine] killer boobs, tattoos, body hair, stretchmarks, and a squishy belly.
Image: Against a blue backdrop, Christine sits nude posing proudly in front of their reflection, admiring all the features of their body.
Narration: I fought long and hard to love this body and I want to continue that.
Against a bright pink background, Christine declares, "My body is fat, trans, and mine." as they hug themself.
Transcribed by Erika Moen July 8, 2024
Seeing My Body As Nonbinary by Christine Suggs
Published February 15, 2022 on Oh Joy Sex Toy
page 1
Christine Suggs is a nonbinary, fat cartoonist who draws in a simple-line, brightly colored cartoony style. The palette of the comic is shades of blues and pinks, with Christine's skin tone a sandy-peach color.
Narration: I've always had a complicated relationship with my body.
Image: A young Christine with indigo blue/black chin-length bob pokes at their belly while standing before a round mirror. The background is blue and they wear a pink t-shirt and pants.
Narration: But then I discovered body positivity through Instagram and various podcasts. I learned about intuitive eating, joyful movement, and most importantly, that it was possible to be both FAT & HAPPY (Last two words written in pink balloon-y letters).
Image: A hot pink background showcases a blue yoga mat, blue copy of the book "Health at EVERY SIZE" by Linda Bacon, and a blue iPhone with plug-in earbuds.
Narration: It also took years of therapy, but eventually I realized that my body is good, and I am more than my body.
"Phew!" Exhales the adult Christine, who is sitting against a peachy-pink background, leaning on one arm. They wear a light blue sports bra and indigo-black pants that match their shaved-on-the-sides-and-spikey-on-top crop of hair. "It's okay to be fat!"
Narration: As I learned to love my body, I learned to love myself, even the parts of myself I was afraid of. I came out as bisexual and my fashion sense quickly evolved to match my newfound queerness.
Image: Six different incarnations of Christine stand against a light blue background.
Christine 1, standing awkwardly and looking down: Shaggy, chin-length hair, zipped-up indigo-black jumper, blue jeans, and blue-black sneakers.
Christine 2 stands a little more confidently, striking a bit of a coy pose: Shaggy short hair, blue t-shirt, black-blue tighter jeans, blue sneakers.
Christine 3 Looks surprised at their own outfit: Very short hair, pink slip-on shoes, and a short white sleeveless summer dress with blue stripes.
Christine 4 stands waving at us, looking content: Short hair, white sleeveless blouse with collar, long pink skirt, and blue fancy shoes with tiny heels.
Christine 5 Stands super confidently, hands on hips, legs in a strong stance: Pink crop of hair on top, shaved on the sides. They wear a pink jumpsuit and black-blue sneakers.
Christine 6 is in the middle of a hopping pose, landing on one foot with the other leg bent behind them. They make the V sign with their fingers, looking delighted. They longer crop of pink hair on top of their head is off-set by the shaved sides. They wear a bright pink sleeveless jumper-like suit and blue sandals.
Narration: I started trying things that would have been way too scary in the past.
Image: Against a deep pink background, a hand holds up an electric shaver. Locks of blue-black hair fall to the ground in the next panel, against a salmon-pink background.
"I look so..." Christine looks in delight and amazement at their reflection in a bright blue room. "CUTE!!"
Page 3
Narration: I changed my appearance more and more, chasing this strange feeling that eventually I'd come to identify as gender euphoria. I felt POWERFUL, QUEER, BRAVE, confident.
Image: Against a salmon-pink backdrop, various incarnations of Christine float in different poses. Some of them are fully nude, showing their belly stretchmarks, unshaved legs, and mermaid leg tattoo. Their hair length and style changes across the scene. Articles of blue clothing float around with them.
"More jumpsuits!" A tiny Christine in overalls exclaims.
Narration: I wore so many crop tops, proudly flaunting my belly and boobs in a way I could never have dreamed of when I was younger.
Image: In a blue grocery store, a masked Christine pushes a shopping cart. Their blue-black mask matches their crop top, and contrasts against their hot pink bottoms.
Narration: But even as I got more and more comfortable showing my body, I felt less and less like it was a woman's body. The label of "woman" was like a shirt that didn't fit anymore.
Image: A salmon-colored shirt sits over a light pink background.
Page 4
Narration: Eventually I came out as genderqueer/nonbinary and transgender. Basically, I don't identify as either a man or a woman. When someone sees me, I want them to think: "they're queer!"
"And hot!" Confidently adds Christine, who is reclining seductively on the bright pink floor, against a light blue background.
Narration against a pale pink-peach background: A lot of trans and nonbinary narratives in the media focus on dysphoria* and the medical transition some trans and nonbinary people seek to alleviate that feeling. But I didn't experience dysphoria in that way.
*The sometimes very intense feeling of your gender identity not matching up with your body.
Narration: For a while I felt like I wasn't trans enough because I don't want to alter my body.
In a blue room, Christine sits on a peach couch fretting as they ask, "Maybe I'm just doing this for attention?? what if it's just a phase? I bought a binder, but I don't want top surgery. Is that okay? It's not like I have real dysphoria, I just like playing with gender!" The text "internalized transphobia" points to them.
Page 5
"But following queer and nonbinary fat people online reminds me that trans people can look like anyone!" Christine says with bright pink stars in their eyes as they admire several other fully nude people. They are all in a salmon colored space with one person who has orange-y brown skin, small breasts, a round tummy, thick thighs, and long flowing black-blue hair that swoops down to their tummy. Another person has chestnut brown skin, a swoop of short blue-black hair, facial hair stubble, hair over their chest, forearms, and belly. They have salmon-pink scars over their pectoral muscles. A third person with pale beige skin sits in a blue wheelchair demurely with their wavey blue hair flowing around them.
Narration: Now when I look in the mirror, I see my body for what it is: a fat, soft, and powerful vessel. It's a nonbinary body, complete with [arrows point from the following words, indicating these body parts on Christine] killer boobs, tattoos, body hair, stretchmarks, and a squishy belly.
Image: Against a blue backdrop, Christine sits nude posing proudly in front of their reflection, admiring all the features of their body.
Narration: I fought long and hard to love this body and I want to continue that.
Against a bright pink background, Christine declares, "My body is fat, trans, and mine." as they hug themself.
Transcribed by Erika Moen July 8, 2024