I figure there’s enough blogs on the internet smugly informing the public that if they don’t want their nude pics to wind up online then they just -wait for it- shouldn’t take them, so before you try to contact me to let me know I left out that piece of advice I want you to rest assured that, yes, just like the rest of the population, I’m already aware of it and I’m pretty sure it’s not actually stopping anyone from partaking in sexting, considering how everyone is already doing it anyway.
So since we’re all taking pictures of our junk anyway, let’s all be the best naughty-selfie picture-takers-and-sharers we can be!
Big thanks to Joseph S. for supporting the Oh Joy Sex Toy Kickstarter at the “Be a Masturbateer for a Day” level and letting me draw your likeness in today’s strip! You’re a star ;D
A pretty cool contest is happening over at Kinkly! The sex blogger with the most votes wins $500— oh dang! All’s you gotta do is click on the “Click Here to Vote” button that appears on every blog’s listing, including Oh Joy Sex Toy‘s. Some of my personal fav sex blogs are Sugarbutch, Jiz Lee, and Sexational!