Senna finds herself in a hairy situation as puberty brings a body change she wasn’t expecting: Hirsutism. She discovers that being a cis woman with a beard and body hair isn’t something you can just brush off, it’s with you through thick and thin.

Let’s not split hairs; todays comic is amazing!

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↓ Comic Transcript
Senna Church is a white cis woman of average height, medium build and a round face. She has long wavy blonde hair tied back in a loose ponytail and a pair of large square glasses frames. She has a small beard on her chin with a light mustache to match.

The comic is drawn with a bright, clean, open, cartoony style.

"Hey there!" Senna greets us as she leans into the frame while wearing a medical mask over the bottom half of her face. "Nice to meetcha!"

"I think the first thing people notice about me is my beard." reads the narration as she pulls away the mask to show off her petite red curly fluff on her chin.

"I'm a cis woman, my facial hair is due to a condition called HIRSUTISM." She continues in a friendly manner. "Hirsutism is a response to an increase of androgens (male hormones) in the system that results in excessive hair growth."

Various little anthropomorphic hormones march in a row, following a sign reading "Bloodstream" as the narration explains, "Though its most often identified as a side effect of Ploycystic Ovary Syndrome and its abnormal hormonal production, Hirsutism may very well exist without it!"

A diagram displays a person with breasts a hairy chest, beard, sideburns, mustache, hairy arms, significant tummy/public hair, and leg hair, with the caption, "Notable hair growth can effect:"

Narration: When you look into hirsutism, you'll notice that most sources focus on "treatment" which is simply different forms of hair removal.

Senna is seen at her laptop, getting excited to find a "Hirsutism forum" in one panel and then looking away in frustrated resignation in the next as the forum goes on discuss "Best razors???"

Narration: It's no secret that people, especially feminine-presenting folks, are incentivized to be as hairless as possible.

Surrounded by posters advertising various hair-removal products and voluptuous, smooth women, Senna looks at them in confusion and overwhelm.

"A razor will take care of that." Says a chorus of voices from off screen to an annoyed-looking Senna. "Hair removal cream might work. Waxing is the only way to get it all off! You could bleach it!"

Narration: My problems started around middle school.

A younger Senna sits with a book. She sports only a handful of scraggly hairs on her face and wears a bulky gray hoody.

Narration: Some girl in my class said my moustache made me look like a boy. It was not a compliment.

In the foreground a girl snickers as she gestures at Senna, while Senna shrinks in embarrassment behind her book in the background.

Narration: Through middle and high school, I fumbled with cheap razors and scissors.

Through the reflection in her bathroom mirror, we see a wincing Senna wrangling an electric razor.

Narration: My endocrinologist couldn't seem to come up with any tangible solutions at the time.

"Well, it's not an immediate health hazard, so if you want it gone, try laser hair removal?" The doctor suggests to teenage Senna.

Narration: The price was not the only painful part of the treatment."

Laying on her back on a medical bed, Senna has intense wraparound sunglasses on over her eyes while a technician uses a device to painfully zap away at her chin.

Senna lets out a whimper as a tear rolls out from under her sunglasses and slides down her cheek.

"Ok, let's stop for now." Declares the tech.

Senna slouches, looking dejected in her graduation cap and gown.

Narration: By the time I graduated, I was too burnt out with my self image to keep shaving.

In a mostly gray-blue panel, Senna meets somebody as she carries a box of her belongings into her college dorm. Her facial hair is scraggly and sparse.

Narration: In college I met other people with unique ways they present themselves. I finally started to feel comfortable about my own body because I was no longer an anomaly.
Now the color palette has shifted to welcoming purples and pinks as Senna stands in a sea of people with very diverse hair styles, facial hair, and piercings. Her own facial hair has grown to a cute chin tuft with hints of a moustache coming in.

Narration: My confidence started to come back to me. My facial hair wasn't a burden, but a part of my identity.

With the same warm purple background, Senna now smiles admiringly at her little mustache and chin beard tied with a decorative band.

Narration: I stopped trying to regularly shave my hair, I even started to style it.

A bathroom wastebasket holds a discarded razor and electric buzzer, with the cord trailing onto the ground.

Narration: It took so much effort to finally learn to love myself. It's really not easy, I still struggle with it.

A small cluster of hair care products and tools accompanies the narration, "But I know I' on a good path because I'm learning to take care of myself."

Fully nude but positioned so we can't see any of the private parts, Senna shows off her hairy legs, full armpits, hairy arms, chin beard and moustache as she concludes with a wink, "Hair isn't for everyone, but I'm learning to embrace the fuzz!"

Transcribed by Erika Moen on October 14, 2024 for Oh Joy Sex Toy