An amazing comic about sexuality, growth, exploration, and thoughtfulness from Hien Pham. A wonderful way to end this wild year.
Take a breath and let Hien take you by the hand while he explains to you what sex, sexuality, and labels he’s explored along the way and what they mean to him now. At the very least it’s a beautiful reminder that we all never stop growing and changing, and that when it comes to sexuality there are no wrong or right answers.
A note from Hien:Thank you to everyone who’s helped me explore sexuality and discover more of what it means to me – especially those who held my hands through the awkward stages! And thank you to every ace-spec person out there who has ever found comfort and solidarity in my stories. Every time I get to hear from you, my heart gets all warm and fuzzy. I hope you’re all doing okay and taking it easy when you can. Enjoy the rest of the year!
It’s the end of the year! You made it! WE made it.
Thank you to every single one of you who gave us a buck or more this year for our site (or Erika’s comics). Hiring and making these sorts of comics just wouldn’t be possible without you all. Collectively, I think we can all be really proud of what we’ve accomplished with this past year’s worth of comics!
The Archive you helped make!
And the ways to support us:
The Erika Moen Monthly Patreon
The OJST per-comic Patreon