This week it’s our pleasure to introduce you to Skicklyhypnos and their wonderful comic on Watersports!
Watersports is one of those things we know nothing about, so it’s really awesome to get a good new artist who knows the fetish on board. We hope you like it as much as we do!
Edit 8/19/15
A few folk have been emailing to explain that pee isn’t always sterile and that we ought to warn would-be watersporters that it could contain bacterias! While Sicklyhypno explicitly states in this comic that it’s not 100% sterile, I will reiterate: your pee isn’t 100% sterile, it could contain some bacteria, but more often than not it’s in such low amounts that it’s negligible! All sex acts carry some risk, so practice your kink responsibly and maybe don’t pee on anyone if you’re suffering an infection.