4/8/16 EDIT – correcting some facts regarding the settlement!
Hi everybody.
It’s been in the news lately (3/14/17) that We-Vibe settled some litigation (without legal judgement) based on their tracking and using users’ sexual information through their more recently made app-enabled sex toys.
While we haven’t had a chance to review one of the more recent We-Vibe 4 Plus models, we have reviewed a few app-enabled toys, so we felt it prudent to warn folks interested in picking up a more modern app-enabled toy that their sexy-info might not be AS secure as they might think!
We still love our old We-Vibe 2, the Tango, and more recently the Nova (which DOES have an app feature which we purposely didn’t use), and We-Vibe has also gone ahead and updated their software to be more secure with an app-patch in March. So we don’t think you should avoid We-vibe at all, they make some GOOD toys. Instead what we’re recommending is to just be aware that apps in general might not be as secure as you hope.
It’s probably a handy idea to treat ALL your sex toys this way for a while too. I’ve a sneaky feeling a lot of companies have been and are lax in sex toy privacy security issues, and that the industry as a whole is going to go through a bit of a wake up. Apps are a fun feature that have never felt core to our sex toy experiences – we’re more interested in the rumble it brings to our jungle, rather than the stats or wireless features which always felt gimmicky, and I guess that would be my recommended takeaway for you: If you’re interested in getting a sex toy, ignore the ‘App’ side of it and just consider the toy at face value. How’s it going to make my junk FEEL even if I don’t use the App?
Hope that helps! Stay safe everyone!